Spring can mean allergies for many people. Here are some tips and product recommendations, including a Spring sale on natural products.
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Where does Anger sit on the Map of Consciousness? Where do you believe you calibrate at? We also look at Human Design for some clues.
There’re so many diets out there. Eating is also a big homogenizing force! What if we ate with the season? With what’s local? Are there benefits to eating this way? Plus eating from our inner authority?
Mercury moves from Pisces into Aries April 3. This is a significant shift in energy. What will you be communicating while Mercury is in Aries?
Faced with our current global crisis, we may be breathing shallow, contracting. Here are some resources to help us breathe more deeply.
The Virgo Full Moon – Full Worm Moon and a Supermoon – is a potent portal. You have probably been feelings her energy in the days ahead. Find out more.
According to Dr Norm Shealy, minimizing free radicals can extend our longevity by as many as 13 years? Find out how to reduce free radicals naturally.
This little fruit is packed with health-boosting goodness. Find out the many health benefits and how to use lemons as a natural remedy.
Springtime’s energy is fresh, alive, active, and full of hope. Capitalize on this flow to plant seeds for a bountiful summer harvest, from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Nutripuncture.
Moving along the zodiac, we come to the 11th sign, the sign of friendship, humanitarianism, and innovation. Find out more about this sign and the energies you can tap into.