According to Human Design, each of us has a unique way to make decisions that are aligned with who we are to connect to our life path and life purpose. Knowing what your personal authority is essential for us to eliminate unnecessary frustration and roadblocks. Find out what your Authority is and how to work with it.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
We intuitively know being in nature and outside is good for us. As we become even more urbanized globally, how much nature do we need to stay healthy, happy, and productive? The Nature Pyramid gives us a menu of choices.
June 1 is National Barefoot Day. Here are some tips from Biomechanics Expert Katy Bowman on how to prep for it in a healthy way.
We ask this question. It is both a simple and complex questions. Find out why.
Are we stuck because we are asking the wrong questions? Or are we afraid to ask the right questions?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is energy medicine. Umbilicus and Diaphragm Function Energy organ flows are a fantastic way to connect to Universal Source Energy and to harmonize the body emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
According to James Mangan who came up with 100 switch-words, there are four basic types of fear, all of which are a stumbling block to “self-togetherness”, fulfillment of our potential, and the being of joy. Find out the switch-words he suggested for the different permutations of each category of fear.
The Optimized Woman by Miranda Gray is a must-read for every female out there, and the men too! Is it not about time that we use our cycles to optimize our relationships, professional endeavours, and more?
Do you really want perfect bliss and joy? Heaven on earth? James T Mangan came up with 100 switch words to bring about this “self-togetherness.” Check out these switch words and what it’s all about.
How do so many people love Pollock paintings? Richard Taylor actually looked into this, scientifically.
“Shake it out” really does work to release tension, stress, and even trauma, that is when it is the body’s automatic response. In an impromptu session with Sae Kani, I experienced the powerful rebalancing of TRE.