Winter is the most yin season of all, the time to be receptive and move inward, into darkness, stillness, and contemplation. Yin is the night, Moon to the Sun.
Yin and Yang are dynamic, flowing, each existing within the other… everything is relational. Neither one is “good” or “bad” as together they make the whole.
In our modern world, we see and experience disproportionately more yang. This distorted focus is active energy, the extroverted, the go-getter, not saying no, filling up the calendar or space with conversation, and busyness for the sake of being busy. This imbalance is manifest in many ways, including our relationship with ourselves, our well-being, and the way “the world works” mindset. Energy flows and ebbs, and there is a need to rest and rejuvenate that often gets ignored, suppressed, and even ridiculed. Do you honour it in your life?
What the flow of Yin and Yang reminds us is that there is a season for everything. In every cycle, energy is transformed. So it is with ideas, projects, relationships, and life.
Winter is another season, for allowing what must die to die, as Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes. This is a challenging concept and experience for many people. It is our existential fear. About becoming no-one. Who am I, if my ego is dissolved? Who am I if I don’t stand for a cause, a belief, a system? Who am I, if I’m not all these titles/labels, accomplishments, trauma, and people I have attached myself to? Perhaps this is a question for your contemplation this winter.
Some people are terrified when they get the Death tarot card or crystal skulls. Despite a long tradition that spans all cultures, we have become disconnected from death and dying. We no longer respect and honour the bardo process. Mostly we have funeral homes take our loved ones away and dress them up.
Death, however, comes in many forms, and not just physically. We die many deaths each day, on the cellular level. We die to old beliefs, ineffective ways of thinking and being, and phases in life.
So now, just as Persephone does each Winter, we travel to the Underworld and like her, we emerge and rebirth in the Spring. This is the time to withdraw from activity, the yang. Perhaps we sit by the fire to enjoy a mug of hot cider or a bowl of stew. This is a natural slowing down, with the earlier descending of darkness and the later rising of the sun. The air is cooler, even in warmer climates.
Darkness, stillness, silence – these may appear to the antithesis of modern living. These metaphors and spaces of the tomb and womb are for deep regeneration. A pause, contemplation, leaving a field fallow allows for a shift.
Of course we do not cease completely – even within yin there is yang – and this is the archetype of season and cycles. Ideas still get birthed though it is in stillness of the mind, undistracted by the noise in the mundane world. Winter is also the night of each day, the end of a cycle or a project; we experience winter all the time, even if we do not label these times as such.
As the leaves fall in the Autumn, we too remember to let go. As the winter appears barren, we remember that sometimes we must be stripped bare to be reborn. Alas what appears to be withdrawn never is, in Spring we rediscover our eternal youth and the maiden within just as Demeter does and just as Persephone embraces the crone within and the darkness of the Underworld, we too unveil the wisdom that lies in all of us. We sit by our inner sun, as we sit by the fire to enjoy the gifts of the season.
This is the Kidney-Bladder season. Here we find correspondences with the colour blue-black, water, the emotion/attitude of fear …
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“Extremely helpful during night shifts (12 hours of work), usually I needed 4-5 cups of coffee, but now I use phone mandala for 10 minutes every 3 hours and its enough for me stay energised and alert, sleepiness and mind fog dissapears in first couple of minutes. And it’s healthier than caffeine. I simply love Adrenal Boost“ – Domas Kucinskas
From the website:
Adrenal Boost does exactly what its title suggests. It is designed to safely and organically address adrenal fatigue. It’s also helpful for any time that you need some extra energy. You can think of it as a kind of energetic adaptogen.
Use it during the day. The longer it is open, the more it will help the adrenals. Turn it off it ever begins to feel over-stimulating.
Self Care
for Winter

Finding Inner Peace in Times of Change
Protocol Immunity is the Zelenko Protocol delivered through an energetically-encoded quantum signature. Quantum healthcare is very different from the allopathic physical delivery. For those who are energetically sensitive, these mandalas and audio-visual presentations can be adjusted to the level that is for you. Protocol Immunity is a combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Quercetin, and Zinc.
*Includes 5 digital (audio and image) files + online web app. The energetically encoded files can be used offline with any smart phone, tablet, laptop, PC, Mac or mp3 player. The web app can be used online, without needing to download anything, via any Internet-compatible device.

“I had 1 copy of the mandala up on my phone and within 3 minutes, felt it was easier for me to breathe. Like, there was more air available in the room, if that even makes sense. For those of you who have/has asthma, it’s like the feeling of having taking a puff of albuterol from the inhaler and when it kicks in several minutes later. It has a similar feeling but the great thing is, the inhaler wasn’t needed. I’m going to continue to have this up and explore more. Thanks so much!” – Peter Lee
Kidney & Bladder
Support Your Kidney Energy With This
4 Kinds of Fear
What to Do

Subtle Energy : Adrenal Boost does exactly what its title suggests. It is designed to safely and organically address adrenal fatigue. It’s also helpful for any time that you need some extra energy. You can think of it as a kind of energetic adaptogen.
The Ashwagandha Quantum Resonance app from Subtle Energy Sciences uses your electronic devices to transmit the amplified energetic essence of this powerful adaptogenic herb directly into your biofield. Helpful for – Stress management, lowering cortisol, anti-cancer, depression, inflammation, improving adrenal function, reducing blood sugar levels, anxiety and boosting testosterone.
Winter Soul Foods
Digital C60
Digital C60 is the first quantum antioxidant, the vibrational frequency of one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants, the Carbon 60 fullerene molecule (C60).
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- Buy once and enjoy for a lifetime. No expensive monthly supplement bills.
- Strengthen your immune system
Remedies for the Winter
I’ve been working with Kidney and Bladder energy on and off for many years. Beneath the stillness, there is turbulence. We often try to suppress the chaos, out of so many fears. Here’s a version of the Organ Clock to understand more of this energy. As someone with Feeling Cognition (Human Design), I naturally move in cycles so I come back to my investigations and explorations over time, learning allowance on a deeper level yet.
Inner Space
SAD : A Different Perspective on Seasonal Symptoms
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects many people. Is the reduction in sunlight the reason? Here is another perspective to consider.
Reframing Aging