An important part of self-care is to boost our immune system is always an important part of self-care. Whether we are feeling good or under the weather. Now, as we all practice some form of physical distancing, self-isolation, self-quarantine or lockdown, one of the best things we can do is to booster our immune system.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a critical supplement for all of us. Many people ramp up their vitamin C intake when they are under the weather or battling a full-blown cold or flu. Generally, people are dealing with deficiencies. Addressing our vitamin C is an easy way to boost our immune system.
Why is Vitamin C Important?
Dr Thomas Levy, a leading expert and researcher on vitamin C, states that chronic deficiency in this powerful antioxidant is one reason for susceptibility for numerous common infectious illnesses. Vitamin C is “the primary fuel on which every cell in the body runs”, reduces oxidized biomolecules in tissues to improve cellular function, and neutralizes toxins in the blood.¹ For more information, check out Dr Thomas Levy’s book Curing the Incurable : Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.
In the Medical Medium‘s downloadable “Virus Protection” booklet, he shares this about vitamin C –
… the viruses that are responsible for symptoms and conditions
are highly allergic and sensitive to vitamin C. While protecting your own cells from oxidation, vitamin C has the ability to oxidize a pathogen, causing it to become injured, break down, and disperse. Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory, helps increase our blood’s white count by strengthening our neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and macrophages; and generally boosts the immune system against viruses.
Research from China
The GreenMedInfo’s article, “Chinese Medical Team Report Successful Treatment of Coronavirus Patients with High-Dose Vitamin C“, discusses the importance of using vitamin C as treatment as early as possible. In the press release by Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University in China, noted benefits include antioxidant effect, reduction in inflammation, and improvement of antiviral levels.
The article also cites a study of 300+ clinical patients on treating coronavirus pneumonia published by the Shanghai Medical Association. This “Shanghai Plan” recommends high-dose vitamin C, starting daily with 50 to 100 mg per kilogram of bodyweight and increasing to 200 mg/kg for the severely sick.
The key with vitamin C is taking the most appropriate kind. We can easily find vitamin C in food sources such as fruits and vegetables. As we know eating healthy is a great way to boost our immune system. Medical Medium recommends liquid Liposomal C. With the membranes of liposomes same as cellular membrane, more vitamin C can get inside our cells to be used.
He also recommends Vimergy’s Micro C – a formula that includes rose hips, grape seed extract, ruin, and acerola fruit extract. His recipe for Micro C calls for two 500mg capsules of Micro-C, 1 cup of warm water, 2 teaspoons of raw honey or pure maple syrup, and freshly-squeezed juice of one orange (or lemon). Drink the mixture every two hours. “Micro-C is my favorite form of vitamin C for Vitamin C Shock Therapy because it’s gentle on the digestive system and gentle enough for very sensitive people. This makes it ideal for when you are in a weakened state and may have digestive symptoms from a cold or flu.”²

Restful Sleep
We are all now slowing down. Without the usual pulls and pushes and distractions, we have more time to rest. Sleeping well is underrated and this is a fantastic time to develop healthy sleep habits. The general guideline is 6-8 hours of sleep; however, everyone is different. A helpful gauge is how we feel the next day. Do we need to caffeinate to stay awake? Are we groggy during the day? Taking a nap during the day is also rejuvenating.
The article Sleep and Immune Function by Luciana Besedovsky, Tanja Lange, and Jan Born discusses the regulatory effect of sleep. Their research into studies shows the following effects of sleep:
- improves adaptive immune response & promotes the consolidation of the formation of immunological synapses (immunological memory)
- increases production of cytokines
- promotes the release of pituitary growth hormone, prolactin, melatonin, and leptin that support immune system activation
- initiates immune response during rest time, including pro-inflammatory activities that are more efficiently handled by a body in rest
Restful sleep boosts our immune system and is a healthy way to deal with stress. Sheltering in place, working from home or shifting business models, physical distancing, and home-schooling your own kids, coupled with the uncertainty factor, can compromise our mental health. That is, if we do not shift our mindset, and practice both self- and squad-care. A foundational element of robust self-care is understanding and honouring our needs. As a society, we are used to pushing ourselves beyond our limits. “Tired but wired” Over time this depletes our energy reserves, compromises our health, and jeopardizes what we hold dear. While we cannot “catch up” on sleep, we can certainly remediate our sleep hygiene and habits.
☞ A Healthy Culture of Leisure & Pleasure
Tips on Having Restful Sleep
- Reduce exposure to blue light several hours before sleep. You can either use a software such as f.lux on your laptop and computer or use glasses designed to cut down on the blue light. Or simply stop using your devices.
- Create a calming environment by diffusing essential oils such as lavender
- Soak in a bath to relax and quiet the mind.
- Schedule your more stimulating and strenuous Crossfit sessions earlier in the day. Gentle stretches are fantastic to balance the body before sleep.
- For Generators and Manifesting Generators – use up all your energy before you retire for the night. Projectors – get out of others’ aura and decondition beforehand. Find out more about your Human Design to discover what is correct for you.

Eat Clean
When we are stressed, many people turn to comfort food. It is also easier to stock up with frozen, canned, and dried food items under Shelter-in-Place orders. Having comfort food is, well, comforting and can help to alleviate stress. However, it is not the best long-term strategy for overall well-being, including mental health.
What does eating clean mean? The ideal is 100% unprocessed, organic, and homemade. Think fresh vegetables, eating rainbow colours, no leftovers (histamines!). The point is to lower our toxic load that can come from pesticides, insecticides, and poor quality ingredients used at restaurants, for example. Eating is a pleasure and food is also medicine. Having as clean a diet as possible gives us access to nutrients vital to our health – a good boost to our immune system.
An easy way to enjoy our comfort foods and eating (more) clean is to change up the recipes. Instead of dairy, opt for homemade nut milk. Substitute coconut or other non-wheat flour in your baking. Change up the type of sugar used. 100% maple syrup instead of processed sugar or Himalayan salt over the usual table salt. Chia seeds is a delicious and fun way to get more protein into your diet. Or try this plant-based protein.
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Here’s what the World Health Organization is suggesting…
The World Health Organization also shared five tips for both acute and long-term physical and mental health. These are – having a healthy and nutritious diet, limiting alcohol and soda consumption, quitting smoking, exercising, and looking after your mental health.
It’s normal to feel stressed, confused and scared during a crisis. Talking to people you know and trust can help. Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General [source]
Check in on neighbors, family and friends. Compassion is a medicine. Listen to music, read a book or play a game. And try not to read or watch too much news if it makes you anxious. Get your information from reliable sources once or twice a day.
There are many ways to boost our immune system. Here are just three ways that can easily be put into play. With the external world slowing down, it becomes easier for us to slow down as well. These kinds of times invite us to examine what is essential to us. In the face of our global health status, boosting our immune system to be more robust is a key essential.
At the end of the Kali Yuga age, it is challenging to discern what is going on or what’s coming around the corner. Legislating health has been going on for decades and is becoming more obvious. Tapping into natural ways to boost our immune system is crucial in maintaining our control over our bodies.
1 Interview of Dr Thomas Levy with Dr Ron Ehrlich about the role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of medical conditions. Listen to Interview Download Transcript
2 Vitamin C Shock Therapy Medical Medium