If you find Mercury Retrograde a difficult time, this is for you. Mercury Retrograde is in the sign of Virgo in a 9 month. Find out out what this means.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
Grief is a natural emotion. Unfinished grief can keep us in the past. Find out how we can identify where we are not grieving and how to transform this and bring in more inspiration.
Why do we fear endings? How is that connected to our sense of self-worth and what can we learn from our Victim Archetype?
Music is good for our health. Find out how and listen to this playlist to energize your body physically. Try it out as part of your morning routine.
Turmeric is known as the miracle herb. It’s long been used in traditional Asian cooking and is the core ingredient to Longevity Drink, an ancient Chinese secret. Find out why and how to make it.
Debbie Ford wrote this book as a result of her processing and healing from her own divorce. Divorces open deep wounds and healing can take years, or never. Is this you? Or are you dealing with a similarly painful situation? Find out why this book could be for you, even if you are not going through a divorce.
We create unreasonable expectations under stress free fall. What happens if we can replace these with reasonable expectations that are healthy and rewarding?
Emotions are energy in motion and there is a natural flow that moves us through them. Letting go and completing the cycle is important for our emotional well-being.
Is feeling good good enough? Want to feel great and re-wire your brain? These two Emotional Brain Training tools can help get you there.
Melatonin is a common over-the-counter supplement for sleep. Many people report having more intense dreams. Find out the link.