In Chinese Medicine, the Pericardium protects the heart, like guards and wise counsel protecting the Emperor. Imbalanced, love does not flow freely.
Search Results "jin shin"
Too much joy? When I first read that, I was confused. Then I read more about this. Understanding joy and heart health from the Chinese Medicine perspective.
Jet lag happens when we cross timezones. If you struggle with jet lag, here are effective holistic suggestions, from homeopathy to energy healing.
The only constant is change. Do you know how to deal with crisis? Here are five tips to help you navigate through a crisis.
Interested in this traditional treatment? Find acupucnture tips to maximize the benefits and your enjoyment of your treatment.
I listened to this recording of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche a while back and I had left this article unfinished, until now, as I made a huge change in myself. Here I share a personal story.
Anger can be scary and can escalate into a destructive force. Anger is powerful and working with anger we can transform our lives. Find out how.
Valentine’s Day is about love but what is love? Love is love yeah? In this article, we explore the energies of February 14 2019 and the matrix of love.
Why do we want to shift our weight? Find out why weight = wait and try this 30-day practice to release your psychic weight and feel lighter.