For some people Autumn means sneezing, allergies, chest pains…what if we can transform this. Understanding the lessons of Autumn through different modalities is good medicine that can heal us in ways we did not know.
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We ask this question. It is both a simple and complex questions. Find out why.
Fertility challenges can stem from a variety of factors, not all physical. Find out how looking into the past can open up the future.
The Moon moves through the constellations every few days, bringing a different influence as we move through the week. The last three of 2016 are in Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Find out how to harness their power and boost your health.
Food habits to cultivate for better digestion and to enjoy your food.
Travelling can be tough for many people. Jet lag. Anxiety. Possibly getting sick. Travelling during the holidays can exacerbate it. Here are some tips to make the journey worth the destination!
The liver and anger are intricately linked. Find out how from the Five-Element Theory how and what to do for liver health and emotional harmony.
Dubbed the super supermoon, the November 14 full moon is in the sign of Taurus. Find out what that means and how to enhance your well-being with this knowledge.
The Metal Element is associated with the Autumn. Seasonal allergies and chronic conditions such as asthma may worsen during this time; it is also the best time to tonify the Metal element and associated organs and emotion.
Grief is a natural emotion. Unfinished grief can keep us in the past. Find out how we can identify where we are not grieving and how to transform this and bring in more inspiration.