For most, yoga builds a body resilient for meditation; also for flexibility and strength. What about releasing facial tensions? Here’re yoga poses for glow.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
Indigo Gabbro is an amazing stone, just for our times. Find out the many ways we can work with the beautiful Indigo Gabbro, including for EMF.
According to Numerology, 2019 is a “3” Universal Year. This is the energy of joy and creativity. Let’s see what this means and how we embody it.
We all want to belong, whether we admit it or know it. So often we do it by fitting in. Fitting in ain’t belonging and knowing the difference is essential.
We have a dominant Elemental Archetype that informs our deep patterns and beliefs. By bringing light and consicousness to them, we can unravel some mystery.
Research shows that our cells are “listening”. How we live, how we think, what we eat – it all matters. Here’s the latest on telomeres and aging better. Check out the key takeaways to make better lifestyle choices.
The Kidneys in Chinese Medicine goes beyond its physicality. They store our essence and nourishing the kidneys is essential for longevity.
The days when women’s health meant women’s reproductive health are over, with more women in science and medical research and field. This is a good thing.
The December 22 2018 Full Moon is our last of the year. Find out what this Full Cold Moon means and how to nicely wrap up this year.
Who else loves tea? You probably have a cupboard full of all kinds of teas and blends! If you are looking for that one tea, here’s the perfect tea. Find out why.