Which Magnesium?

We hear how Magnesium is involved in 300+ biochemical reactions in the body. It’s true. Oftentimes we see it as a suggestion for muscle tightness, restless leg syndrome, poor sleep quality, and stress reduction. It’s easier when we narrow it down – the impact of Magnesium on our overall health cannot be overstated. With only a small percentage of Magnesium in our blood, we find the majority in our teeth, bones, and cells, in support of nearly 800 enzymatic processes. Unsurprisingly, its deficiency can result in a large spectrum of health conditions. This can be seen in our emotional, physical, and overall well-being. Magnesium is quickly depleted when we are experiencing stress so it’s safe to say most people can investigate magnesium for improving their health and well-being.

Here’s a look at some of these functions:

  • promotes brain health
  • enhances insulin sensitivity
  • supports digestion
  • reduces inflammation
  • improves sleep
  • metabolizes vitamin D and converts it to the active form
  • is needed for energy production
  • protects us against EMF effects
  • maintain healthy teeth and bone
  • supports heart health
  • affects mood
  • helps with anxiety symptoms
  • is involved with muscle and nerve function

What’s confusing is which magnesium to take as different forms are helpful for different functions. Ideally, we can our magnesium from dietary sources and realistically most people will need to supplement. Foods that are high in magnesium include spinach, pumpkin seeds, avocado, banana, broccoli, almonds, and brazil nuts. A diet of processed food also decreases availability of magnesium in the body as it’s needed to detox. The phosphates, oxalates, and tannins in our foods also bind with magnesium, again reducing its levels. While addressing these factors, including gut health, a topical or transdermal method of taking magnesium may be more effective.

“A healthy gut environment is necessary for proper absorption of magnesium from the diet. Irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, candidiasis and other gut disorders can severely limit the amount of magnesium that the body will be able to absorb. Older adults often experience decreased stomach hydrochloric acid production, which can impair mineral absorption in general. And with so many treating their ‘heartburn’ with antacids, a healthy digestive environment is hard to maintain.” – Katherine Czapp, Magnificent Magnesium

Dr James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist, often shares that for sleep, go for magnesium glycinate, for muscles magnesium malate, for cognition magnesium threonate, for the heart magnesium taurate, for digestion magnesium chloride, for constipation magnesium citrate, and for relaxation magnesium sulfate (more commonly known as epsom salt). There are “crossover” effects for each type of magnesium so you can start where you think the symptom is to uncover the underlying cause.

Possible Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

  • difficulty in falling and/or staying asleep
  • lack of energy as magnesium is needed to produce energy
  • inability to deal with stress
  • anxiety and irritability with neurotransmitter regulation is affected
  • muscle weakness (this can be experienced as tingling)
  • muscle cramps, including painful menstrual cramping

I cannot get enough of this magnesium mix. Delicious, slightly tart, dissolves quickly, easy to drink. It has become an important part of my evening wind down routine (sometimes I’ll add my dose of Adaptogen tincture to it and call it a day)! I’ve experienced a noticeable sense of calm, ease and most importantly–my heart palpitations have stoppedRead more about review stating I cannot get enough of (I didn’t realize my chest discomfort was a sign of severe magnesium deficiency). The subscription saves me a few dollars, even though it’s already affordable! This is the kind of real self care that works from the inside out. Highly recommend.

Catherine C

Magic Magnesium provides a source of magnesium citrate. Wooden Spoon Herbs’ source contains 72 minerals. Here’s a morning smoothie recipe to enjoy Magic Magnesium.

2024 Parent’s Pick Award

Earthley’s Good Night Lotion, Feel Better Fast, and Teeth Tamers all won this award.

Good Night Lotion

Good Night Lotion is a topical form of magnesium made with magnesium chloride, which helps reduce muscle spasms and soothe sore muscles which helps the body to relax and sleep. It also supports digestive health, the immune system, healthy blood sugar levels, minor pain, and detox. 1 teaspoon = 200 mg of Magnesium. Start with a small amount.

(Blueberry-Vanilla available seasonally)

I love Earthley’s Good Night Lotion. I use the sensitive version as it does not contain any essential oils or aroma. I apply a dab on either my stomach or on the inside thigh. I also take epsom salt foot baths as I feel needed. I also take Gut Health Oil and drink water with hydrogen gas to support my microbiome. Continually exploring what’s correct for me as a Closed Taste (Determination) is a crucial part of well-being.

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Information provided on the What Therapy platform is for educational purposes and to raise awareness. Check in with your healthcare practitioner, naturopath, functional medicine doctor, etc, regarding any changes you want to make.