The Linden tree is known for her fragrance when the flowers bloom in the summer. We also drink their infusion. Here are some of Linden Tea’s benefits.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
We all have heard that forgiveness frees us from the prison of pain. Why is it so difficult? How do we practice true forgiveness?
We are constantly being bombarded by what to do and how to do it. How do we choose? What if it’s being our own bandwagon we will experience greater health.
Many people find unease in calm and a lack of stimulation, a sign of poor nervous system regulation. Here’s how to start moving to more ease and build resilience. Tips from complementary health practitioner Antoinette Biehlmeier and TRE practitioner Diana Ng.
Can I be both normal and weird to be authentic? What does being unapologetically ourselves feel and look like? How does the process of Othering come in?
Publilius Syrus (fl. 85 – 43 BC) is a latin writer known for his maxims, including this one about friendship. What is true friendship? Let’s explore this with his writing on friends.
Getting a good water filter is one step to having energized and bioavaialble water. The question is – is a physical filter enough? If not, what then?
We love stories and we are wired to connect. Storytelling is one such way to connect. So how can storytelling cause us harm? We look at this question through the Polyvagal Theory.
Valentine’s Day is about love but what is love? Love is love yeah? In this article, we explore the energies of February 14 2019 and the matrix of love.
With Netflix’s Tidying Up series, we are hugging our stuff, seeing if sparks of joy fly … what does “spark joy” even mean?