What Therapy loves hosting and organizing events that bring together people to explore and experience the wide range of holistic and alternative therapies available to boost their wellbeing and enhance all the domains of life. As part of the community, What Therapy is also invited to events to connect with practitioners, studios, centres, and merchants to experience their offerings.
In 2015, we launched Eat Move Love for an experiential gathering for 360 wellbeing in a fun and engaging way. Hosted at Gallery Helios, the inaugural event included a marketplace with select partners, sessions with alternative health practitioners, and a weekend of talks, workshops, and events, including a labyrinth sound activation and celebration.

The theme of the 2016 one-day event was SPACE. We explored this idea of inner space, physical space, non-ordinary space, liminal space, the space between the musical notes, the element Space, the space between people, the intimate space, and creative space. Participants enjoyed lunch from Kitchen by Food Rebel and snacks from Fermentation Friends. Thank you to LINS Smoodees and Nuts About Butter for sponsoring the event with their delicious creations.
Immense gratitude to everyone who joined us and to all the practitioners, speakers, and those who helped behind the scene – Adrienne Kane (Shamanic Journeying), Nicole Gilg-Geymayer (Somatic Experience), Siewfan Wong (DeepDive into Inner Space), Oberdan Marianetti (Dance of Relationships, Sex + Space), Ann Carole Chaumet (Sensory Meditation + Tea Ceremony), Diana Ng (Elemental Yoga), Mikael King (Soundscape), Tze Toh (Finding Creative Space), and Adeline Tan (Space Clearing).
APRIL 22 2016 Jin Shin Jyutsu with Sandra Shih Tonkinson, What Therapy Editor
MAY 28 2016 Attention in Healing with Nicole Gilg-Geymayer, Grinberg Method Practitioner
JUNE 29 2016 Tapping for Emotional Balance with Siewfan Wong, Deep-Dive Coach and Co-founder of Gallery Helios
JULY 20 2016 Skin + Gut Health with Naturopathic Physician Dr Taylor Bean
Past Events at What Therapy