The Language of Our Life

The language of our life speaks volume. When we pause and listen to ourselves, the words we use, and the stories we tell about ourselves, others, and the world, reflect values, underlying patterns, and even deeply subconscious beliefs. Over time, these stories of merely recounting an experience becomes a script unconsciously repeated. This is often telling when we first meet someone and that is the story we offer, the identity we allow.

Our stories also show where we have left our energy, in time and space. We are not only tired from reliving these stories; we have actually disconnected from a part of ourselves. Sandra Ingerman, for example, talks about retrieving soul parts from various points on the timeline.

It took some time, a lot of awareness, and kind reminders from my partner and close friends for me to finally let go of the last vestiges of major stories I too was telling people, and myself. Rehashing can help us process; however, over time the memory of what actually happened gets reworked. It’s far too easy to come up with a version that helps ease our pain and confusion. Perhaps these narratives are strategically created to justify our behaviour and choices that on some level don’t sit well with us.

At some point, we have to make the decision if this is how we want to language our life.

Is this what we want to focus on? Do we want to live a disembodied life? Do we want to remain entangled with the shadow frequencies of the collective? Or are we ready to jump timelines and take that leap into a different trajectory?

These questions are for us alone to answer. Be gentle, kind, and also honest with ourselves. Even if we can recognize this storytelling in others, it is not our job or our place to judge, to point it out, or to offer advice. We each have our own timeline and process.

Caroline Myss teaches that biography becomes biology. In light of Dr Emoto’s research, we know that we can program water with words, spoken and written. Given we are mostly water, it becomes compelling to examine how we are programming our body to respond and to behave. This is how we can interact with our DNA, which is frequency-based.

That moment we surrender, surrender our pain, our wounds, our stories, we allow our life force to freely flow once again.