Prosperity & Pearl Sequence with Richard Rudd

What is true prosperity? Richard Rudd of Gene Keys delves into prosperity with the Pearl Sequence.

I’m sure many people wonder about that, perhaps more so in the past 20+ months. Life has undergone tremendous transformation and aspects have been shuffled and rearranged. Including our priorities and beliefs about work, relationships, purpose, and life.

The Pearl Sequence of the Golden Path is about liberating your prosperity. Contemplating and exploring our sequence can bring deep insights and revelations about the shadow frequencies of where we currently are collectively. We come to see where we are leaking energy and life force power.

What will happen when we realize that we live in shadow frequencies and that more is possible and is actually our spiritual inheritance? When we become clear about where we have limiting and conditioned beliefs, we realize how locked in we are, into a narrow existence, when life is generous, supportive, and celebratory. As we move into a new cycle and a new age, let’s have more of us stand in our sovereign power, sourcing from gifts locked in our DNA and as collaborative creative spirits. Let the prosperity flow for both the individual and the collective.

About the Golden Path

Gene Keys is a living language, a transmission about 64 archetypes that are deeply connected to our genetics. Synthesized and downloaded by Richard Rudd, it calls us to contemplate and live consciously. We start with our hologenetic profile, derived from certain astrological placements based on our birth time and 88 degrees before then. The 64 Gene Keys also encompass the I Ching, an ancient wisdom that continues to inform us.

Each Gene Key has three frequency bands – Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi. You can begin by contemplating the Gene Keys in your hologenetic profile. You can also follow the Golden Path, which currently consists of three sequences. These are the Activation, Venus, and Pearl sequences. The fourth one, Harmony, is yet to be released.

The purpose of the Golden Path is “to purify, intensify, and clarify your inner life in order that it ripples out, and becomes manifest in your outer life” as Richard Rudd writes in Prosperity: A Guide to Your Pearl Sequence. He continues to explain that the Activation Sequence is about becoming anchored in our purpose on the cellular level, while the Venus Sequence is about opening our heart to transform suffering and to live fulfilling relationships. The Pearl sequence is the “harvest” which is the unfolding of our true vocation and refining of our outer expression and our beingness in the outer world.


Half the secret of prosperity is knowing what prosperity really means for you.

Richard Rudd, Prosperity

What conditioned beliefs do we have to create a certain idea and vision of what prosperity is? How and why have certain values and goals become non-negotiable for you? What are your true dreams and desires? The ones you keep secret from others for fear of ridicule or rejection.

The Pearl Sequence is a journey in the mental realm, clarifying our thoughts and understanding their power. When we unlock the shadow frequencies of our thoughts and beliefs, we open up to a whole new world.

No matter your definition of prosperity, we are all here to thrive. This is our purpose, and that of life, one that is wired into our DNA. Prosperity is when all aspects of life flow and are in harmony. Our physical health, our open-heartedness that is our our ability to love and be loved, and how we show up through our vocation in the outer world. Prosperity is about a state of mind, attitude, and flow.

The Pearl Sequence

If you are interested in the Pearl Sequence, it is recommended to have first completed the Activation and Venus Sequences. However, some people may feel called to embark on the Pearl Sequence. If this is your intuitive hit or you are responding to the invitation or call, there are several ways to do this. The first thing to do regardless is to generate your free Gene keys hologenetic profile.

DYI Pearl Sequence

This approach is your own exploration. You’ll need the Gene Keys book to read about the spheres in your Pearl Sequence and the Prosperity book to follow the sequence. You can also purchase Richard Rudd’s audio recordings of each of the Gene Keys. These are transmissions, high-frequency and activating. The full audio collection, The 64 Ways, are also available for purchase.

I bought the book Prosperity to read and contemplate, while I was waiting for the Virtual Retreat beginning this fall. I’ve been slowing making my way through, allowing the words to sink in and contemplating this powerful sequence.

The Pearl Sequence Online Course

If you desire more structure, the Pearl Sequence Online Course is the way to go. I did notice the difference in my approach doing the first two sequences as online courses and virtual retreats and the Pearl Sequence DYI way. I do want to say that my approach to doing it DYI was not to complete the sequence on my own; rather, to begin the contemplation before the deep dive with Richard and his team in the virtual retreat.

Deep Dive into Prosperity – 4-month Virtual Retreat

The Prosperity – Pearl Sequence virtual retreat runs from November 2, 2021 to March 8, 2022. As with the other virtual retreats, this one consists of live webinars, Q&A sessions, community calls, and an online forum. These live events are weekly and are recorded so you can go at your own pace, plus return to them for deeper work. This being a global community, there are various time slots to choose from for the community calls, which are available in languages other than English. The retreat also gives you access to the online course, which includes the PDF of the book Prosperity. If you’ve already purchased the Pearl Sequence course, its price will be deducted from the retreat fee. Feel free to reach out with questions – I’ll be in the Prosperity retreat as well! (Registration closes October 31 2021)

Want to know more about Prosperity & the Pearl Sequence? Here are some interviews with Richard Rudd.

Richard Rudd: Prosperity & The Energetics of Money

In this episode, Richard Rudd talks about the energetics of money, the difference between wealth and prosperity, the similarity between money and water, and what it takes to be free of conditioning of lack.

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