December 21 marked the Winter Solstice or dōng zhì, 冬至 in the Northern Hemisphere. On this shortest day of the year, Chinese families traditionally gather to celebrate. Aside from the Lunar New Year, this is a very important time for the Chinese people. They have a family meal and celebrate with dumplings and tan yuan, a dessert. According to the 24 Solar Terms calendar, we are approaching the coldest time of the year, “Major Cold” or dà hán 大寒 January 20, experiencing a “Minor Cold” or xiǎo hán 小寒, early in January.
Winter is governed by the Water Element in Chinese philosophy and cosmology. The organ pair in focus this time of the year is Kidney-Bladder. If you experience imbalance in these energetic and physical organs, supporting them now can have an important impact. This organ pair is about movement of liquids and elimination. The Kidney is also something to look at for what we’ve inherited.
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Chinese New Year is celebrated with food that symbolizes family, prosperity, health, abundance, and other blessings. Here’s one dessert that’s commonly enjoyed together.
Fonio is part of the millet family. Find out why this small-size grain is so popular now and my first recipe with it.
Traditional diets change with the season and local availability. With wintertime, what are your eating habits and dietary regime?
Love of the body is about being in the right place at the right time, a surrender to the experience. What is your relationship with the body?
It’s late summer and the energy is inviting us into stillness and movement to connect more deeply and truly into who we are.
Winter is Kidney season. If you find this season challenging, experience premature aging, have low energy, for instance, try this easy tip.
James Nestor’s Breath follows his experiment and research into impact of nasal breathing and the importance of mouth breathing. He weaves into his book the trajectory of research, diving into conversations with dentists, facial surgeons, and other experts. Here are some highlights and points to consider.
Cold Dew begins October 8 and reflects a time when the morning dew turns to frost and a much colder climate. Try these health tips.
Looking to support your gut health? Try this combo that promotes detoxification, parasite cleanse, and general gut health.
TCM and Jin Shin Jyutsu work on different levels and together approach tension in ways that resonate with different people.
When we think of resolving nervous system dysregulation, liver support may not jump out first. Let’s find out why it’s important.
We’re moving towards the hottest and most yang part of the year. Here’s are some summer tips to keep in mind.
Blue Tansy is an annual bloom and it’s back in season, perfect for supporting your Liver and Heart energy Spring and Summer. Find out what it can help with.
The Lymphatic Brush by Cecily Braden has changed the game. This beautiful brush is a pleasure to use, which means you will use it. The best tool is the one you will use, right? Find out why this brush has moved to the top of my list.
Jet lag happens when we cross timezones. If you struggle with jet lag, here are effective holistic suggestions, from homeopathy to energy healing.
As a sentient being, our beautiful planet also has a chakra system. Some say there are 12 major and 144 minor chakras. What are these earth chakras?
Guest writer Rebecca Brown shares what she learned on the Camino, the first time she walked it. She’s since walked the Camino twice more.
As we approached end of the calendar year, here are some things to consider, before setting resolutions, and if you’re expecting in 2025.
As we move from summer, through late summer to the fall, our body is moving through very dynamic changes. Here are some ways to ground and support the Spleen and Stomach which governs these transitions.
The element of Spring is Wood and it is a beautiful Archetype. Here are some suggestions to work with this energy.
Diana is curious about how we can move through the world with greater ease. She offers mindful movement practices and listening touch therapies and hosts song circles. These include yin and yang yoga based on the five elements, womb yoga, active meditations, Tension Release Exercise, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Cranio-sacral Therapy.