30 Sep: Gut Health Support

Looking to support your gut health? Try this combo that promotes detoxification, parasite cleanse, and general gut health.

29 Aug: Energetic Support for End of Summer Transitioning to Autumn

As we move from summer, through late summer to the fall, our body is moving through very dynamic changes. Here are some ways to ground and support the Spleen and Stomach which governs these transitions.

08 Jul: Minor and Major Heat : Summer Tips

We’re moving towards the hottest and most yang part of the year. Here’s are some summer tips to keep in mind.

Start of Summer or lì xià 立夏 begins May 5, 2024, according to the 24 Solar Terms calendar. On July 6, we begin the period called Minor Heat 小暑 (xiǎo shǔ ), which is the beginning of the hottest part of the year. The hottest part is what is called Major Heat 大暑 (dà shǔ), when we have the most sun, most intense heat, and also the most thunderstorms.

Summer is governed by the Fire Element in Chinese philosophy and cosmology. The organ pair in focus this time of the year is Small Intestine and Heart. If you experience imbalance in these energetic and physical organs, supporting them now can have an important impact. This is a time of more activity and more outdoor time, and so a great time to sync up your circadian rhythms and internal clock by following the sun.

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18 Jun: Gall Bladder 20 and Safety Energy Lock 4 For Flow

TCM and Jin Shin Jyutsu work on different levels and together approach tension in ways that resonate with different people.

28 May: Blue Tansy for Heart & Liver Qi

Blue Tansy is an annual bloom and it’s back in season, perfect for supporting your Liver and Heart energy Spring and Summer. Find out what it can help with.

17 May: Liver Support for Healing Trauma

When we think of resolving nervous system dysregulation, liver support may not jump out first. Let’s find out why it’s important.

09 May: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

We continue to learn more about the Vagus Nerve and its role in our overall health.

24 Apr: Working with the Wood Archetype

The element of Spring is Wood and it is a beautiful Archetype. Here are some suggestions to work with this energy.

17 Apr: Sesame Oil for Better Breathing

Are you having breathing challenges? Try this Ayurveda practice.

10 Apr: Pluto Returns to Gate 41

The talk is around Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. There is a deeper significance when we look more closely at Pluto’s return to Gate 41.

05 Apr: Uranus Opposition in Astrology & Human Design

Uranus Opposition is probably the most well-known as the mid-life event in a period marked by abrupt change. It’s been called a breakdown and breakthrough – the “mid-life crisis”. This is a time when the storyline changes; it does not have to be a crisis

29 Mar: Which Magnesium?

Magnesium is involved in so many of our processes that a deficiency can show up as a spectrum of health conditions. Find out about the different types of magnesium.

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EAT pillar of health category What Therapy
Our diet is one source of life force energy and post-natal qi that builds, restores, and rejuvenates. Sourcing the most nutritious, clean, and sustainable ingredients is not only important to nourishing our cranial, heart, and gut brains. Our consumer practices and philosophies have an impact on our local ecosystem and the greater environment.
Eating in Wintertime

Traditional diets change with the season and local availability. With wintertime, what are your eating habits and dietary regime?


Move pillar of health and wellbeing What Therapy Power of Choice platform
The body is built to move. Physical movement has positive effects on and reflects movement on other levels, including mental flexibility and emotional harmony. Movement goes beyond exercising. Awareness of how we move helps us stay agile, responsive, and present. Conscious and embodied movement also illumines where we may have limited our state of being.
gate 46 love of body human design global cycles photo by yan krukov
Love of the Body

Love of the body is about being in the right place at the right time, a surrender to the experience. What is your relationship with the body?


Breathe Power of Choice What Therapy
The breath is the one thing we can do consciously and automatically. How we breathe, throughout the day, in moments of challenge, using pranayama techniques to direct our life force, or in meditation, has a profound impact on our health and well-being. We look at the different approaches to stress relief, resilience building, greater respiratory function, inner peace, and more.
James Nestor Breath
Our Breath & How It’s impacting our well-being

James Nestor’s Breath follows his experiment and research into impact of nasal breathing and the importance of mouth breathing. He weaves into his book the trajectory of research, diving into conversations with dentists, facial surgeons, and other experts. Here are some highlights and points to consider.

cold dew photo by jermaine ulinwa
Cold Dew

Cold Dew begins October 8 and reflects a time when the morning dew turns to frost and a much colder climate. Try these health tips.

Virtual Oxygen Therapy


heal at what therapy
In Chinese Medicine, there are three levels of dis-ease and well-being – the earthly level, the human level, and the celestial level. Each one requires a different focus though the elements are linked and interdependent. At the earthly level, we work with the environment, including the climate and the diet. At the human level, we look at our patterns of thought, emotions, and behaviour. Our fixation and attachment can lead to imbalance and even suffering. At the celestial level, we look at how we follow our heart as a way to fulfill our “destiny”. At What Therapy we believe that there are more than physical factors in play and look at the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of healing.
Gut Health Bundle pexels-leticia-alvares-1805702-25252253
Gut Health Support

Looking to support your gut health? Try this combo that promotes detoxification, parasite cleanse, and general gut health.


glow what therapy power of choice
While inner glow comes from what we ingest and how we feel, we believe we can add to our glow with clean non-toxic products. What we put onto our skin is so quickly absorbed, we can easily enhance our health by consciously choosing our skincare, makeup, and sunscreen. We are advocates of using beautiful products that are a delight to use and are better for us and the environment , whether they are commercially available or handmade in your own kitchen.
Why The Lymphatic Brush is getting so much love
The Lymphatic Brush

The Lymphatic Brush by Cecily Braden has changed the game. This beautiful brush is a pleasure to use, which means you will use it. The best tool is the one you will use, right? Find out why this brush has moved to the top of my list.


Travel Pillar of Light What Therapy The Power of Choice
We live in a global village and most of us are travellers, whether it’s to the most remote reaches of Northern Norway or on a road trip to the next province or state. Travelling is a great way to engage with the greater world and see perspectives other than our own. It is an opportunity to experience local food, beauty rituals, healing traditions, and so much more. We believe travelling nurtures our curiosity and openness. It is a wonderful pause from our everyday routine to disengage from a set way of being. It is a positive disruption that asks us to live more presently.
earth chakra mt fuji photo by eea-ikeda
Earth Chakras

As a sentient being, our beautiful planet also has a chakra system. Some say there are 12 major and 144 minor chakras. What are these earth chakras?


live pillar of wellbeing What Therapy The Power of Choice Platform
At the end of the day, it’s about how we live – what we practice, how we choose to respond and connect, how we walk our talk, and what it all looks like. How do we put it all together? Do we believe the universe is a friendly one? What kind of garden are we tending? What is our impact on those around us? Here we look at the what, why, and how of the principles and philosophies of everyday life.
Pluto Returns Gate 41 Interregnum What Therapy photo by pexels-lena-khrupina-20871285
Pluto Returns to Gate 41

The talk is around Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. There is a deeper significance when we look more closely at Pluto’s return to Gate 41.


Sandra Shih
Sandra Shih
Wellness Advocate

Sandra is a HeartMath Trainer, Jin Shin Jyutsu and biofeedback practitioner, and writer. She focuses on helping clients instill a beautiful self-care practice based on traditional wisdom and modern technology.

Dr Taylor Bean Canadian Naturopathic Doctor Interview Singapore
Dr Taylor Bean
Naturopathic Physician

Dr Bean is a Canadian Naturopathic Physician who is passionate about what she does and aims to bring good information to the table, allowing her patients to make the best choices for themselves.

Tasneem Kagalwalla
Tasneem Kagalwalla
Coach, Author & Coach

US-based Life Certified Master NLP Life Coach and Trainer, author, and poet, Tasneem embarked on her journey into the world of alternative therapy began at an early age, focused on a strong commitment to self-awareness and development.


Diana is curious about how we can move through the world with greater ease. She offers mindful movement practices and listening touch therapies and hosts song circles. These include yin and yang yoga based on the five elements, womb yoga, active meditations, Tension Release Exercise, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Cranio-sacral Therapy.