Working with the 13 Moon Calendar and Dreamspell

The ancient Maya used more than 17 calendars. The 260-day Tzolkin, the 365-day Haab, the 5,125-year Long Count, and the 26,00 year (approximately) Grand Cycle, to share a few. In this article, we look at the 13 Moon Calendar.

What some of us may be aware of is the 13-Moon Dreamspell system that was created by Lloydine Arguelles and Dr Jose Arguelles, founder of the Foundation of Law of Time. Like the Tzolkin, the Dreamspell is based on a 13:20 rhythm and 260-day cycle but is a modern application and a distinctly different system from what the Maya use.

The 13 Moon Calendar, also called the Galactic Calendar, was created to unify and synchronize all different calendars from different cultures.

Most of the world follows the Gregorian Calendar, based on a 12:60 beat. 12 months. 60 minutes. 60 seconds. This is an artificial and mechanized beat. Each month in a Gregorian Calendar also has different number of days.

The 13 Moon Calendar is based on cycles 7-day weeks and 28-day moons. This is a perpetual calendar. Those who follow this 13 Moon or Galactic Calendar believe that observing this natural rhythm will transform the world by returning to Natural Time.

If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial, and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: irregular, artificial, and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature.

What is the 13 Moon Calendar

In the Galactic Calendar, people follow both cyclic order and synchronic order.

The Cyclic Order – The Perpetual Calendar

The cyclic order is the 13 Moon Calendar which is based on the rhythm of the lunar cycle. Each Moon has 28 days, adding up to 364 days. July 25, called Day Out of Time, is the day between the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It belongs to neither year. Hence, “Day Out of Time”. This day was originally correlated to the conjunction of the sun with Sirius rising.

The 13 Moon Calendar, like the Gregorian Calendar has 365 days. This makes it easy to transition and connect with the higher vibrations of Natural Time.

The Synchronic Order The 13:20 Rhythm

The synchronic order is the Tzolkin with 13 Galactic Tones, 20 Solar Seals, and 260 kins. The combination of 13 tones and 20 seals (13 X 20) make up the 260 kins.

Each one of the 260 kins is an archetypal symbol. This is the Galactic Signature and therefore the energy of the day.

The 13 Galactic Tones are Magnetic (1 dot), Lunar (2 dots), Electric (3 dots), and so on. The 20 Solar Seals or Solar Tribes are the Dragon, Wind, Night, Seed, and so on.

Each one is defined by three keywords – Essence, Power, and Action.

(This sounds confusing; you can enter a specific date on the 13 Moon or Law of Time website to retrieve this information. This is also the fastest way you find out what your Kin is.)

What is the Kin and Destiny Oracle?

Everyone is part of this 260-kin grid, their kin calculated based on their birth date.

A person’s Galactic Signature is their “Destiny Oracle”. This consists of 1) their destiny power or central life energy and signature glyph (based on their birthdate), 2) analog power or support energy, 3) guide power or directing energy, 4) antipode power or challenge energy that strengthens, and 5) occult power or hidden insight energy.

The Destiny Oracle provides invaluable insight, including a deeper understanding of how our energy flows. It also reveals beautiful synchronicities through the people in our lives. They may have a kin that matches various powers of our Destiny Oracle. Our sister, for example, may represent the occult power. Understanding our kin and our Destiny Oracles sheds light on the lessons and the answers we seek for a more rhythmic flow to life.

An Example

February 8 2016 was kin 51, Blue Crystal Monkey. Galactic Moon Day 2 in the Year of the White Planetary Wizard. This is quite a poetic, energetic, and rhythmic way to see the day of February 8 2016. This day was the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of the Fire Monkey.

You can reflect and interact with the energies of each day. You can, for example, meditate on the keywords of the tone and the seal. Using the three key words of the tone and the seal, you can build an affirmation to use for each of the kin, and so for each day. You can also find this on the 13 Moon and related websites. The affirmation for the Blue Crystal Monkey is:

I Dedicate in order to Play
Universalizing Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Abundance
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

The three words for Crystal are Cooperation (Essence), Dedicate (Power), and Universalize (Action). Those for the Blue Monkey are Magic (Power), Play (Action), and Illusion (Essence).

Another way to understand the Galactic Signature is to know that each tone asks a question, to which the seal responds. The one-dot or the Magnetic tone question is “What is my Purpose?” The two-dot or Lunar tone asks “What is the Challenge?” The answer of the Hand is to Know, to Heal, to Accomplish.

The Sacred Count of 13

The 13 Moon calendar is based on the 28-day harmonic lunar cycle. This is the amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth, when seen from outer space. The 13 Moon calendar reflects the annual human biological rhythm of the woman’s 28 fertility cycles. There are 13 large scales on the turtle’s shell, one for each for Moon of the year. Oftentimes there are even 28 smaller segments around the lower shell, representing the harmonic 28-day cycle.

Excerpted from the 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity from

Why is July 25 Special

The 13 Moon Calendar begins each year on July 26. Every year, the energy signature shifts, with a new question and a new answer. The question for The White Planetary Wizard, which is about manifestation, is “what do we want to manifest in life?” The answer is the Wizard – “everything we want to manifest is already inside us.”

July 25 is called Day Out of Time, a day without a moon or a week. This is a day for purification and peace. A day outside of time and so timelessness. It is a tradition to celebrate this day with the intention for peace.

The 13 Moon Calendar can be understood on many levels, as simple and as deep as you wish. To get a good foundation, I spoke with Yvonne Lau, who is based in Hong Kong and offers workshops and readings in English and Chinese. In our conversation, I got a refresher through discussing my own Galactic Signature. We spoke on the day of the Blue Galactic Hand or kin 47.


How do we work with the 13 Moon Calendar?


Today is Kin 47 Blue Galactic Hand. What is the Blue Galactic Hand about? Hand teaches us healing and accomplishing; in order for us to evolve, we have to keep learning. Healing starts from action, everything we do and act is a step for us to accomplish our journey.

We can ask how is the Blue Galactic Hand energy related to my energy? We can combine together the kins [today’s kin and a person’s own kin] to see the interactions. How can I live today to interact with nature? Our Galactic Signature is how our energy flows in life. The emphasis is on relationships – with nature, with people, with our mother or father, with animals, with our job.

We also talk a lot about synchronicities. Why we are family is not a coincidence. We may not know the science of how it works but through the 13 Moon Calendar we can see why – how each energy supports another can show us what we can learn, or how to communicate better. You can see why you are so close to someone or why you may have a particular challenge with someone else. When we talk about challenge, which is simply to explore creative ways for our life to expand.

Most people want control in life because that is our safety zone. To cultivate our ability to respond in life is very important. For the things we cannot control, we can have the power of response and be at peace with ourselves, to open up possibilities and abundance. That is the gift from the universe to us. To respond to life in a more authentic way. This way, I am grateful I am attracted to this calendar.

Working with the 13 Moon Calendar

Find out what your Destiny Kin with the Birthdate Decoder from or to find out what your essence, power, and action are and read/meditate on your affirmation. Get a reading to understand your Destiny Oracle and more.

Follow the 13 Moon Calendar each day. Work with the affirmation of the day’s Kin. Study the philosophy and the system. Go deeper working with the calendar – the daily cycles, the weekly cycles, the wavespells, etc.

Be open, see, and acknowledge the synchronicities in your life. Cultivate your ability to respond in the present moment. Be in Nature more often and see the beauty of all that surrounds us.

From the 13 Moon Almanac, “The Law of Time affirms that the quality of beauty in nature is supreme. It is a scientific and mathematical function of fourth-dimensional time.” Follow the 13 Moon Calendar each day. Work with the affirmation of the day’s Kin. Purchase a 13 Moon calendar or planner to integrate these cycles and frequencies in your daily life. Be in peace. And share.


In the philosophy of the 13 Moon Calendar, it is everyone’s birthright to abundance, peace and creative if they follow their own energy flow and be open to synchronic ties?


Yes. The calendar is a way of life, the essence is to observe synchronicities.


And for those people living in war zone or poverty or face atrocities, how does this play into this philosophy?


That is very interesting. When I first started doing readings for people, they would compare this calendar to Chinese Astrology, for which you need the time of birth. People will ask if I don’t use the time of birth for the Maya calendar readings, what about people born on the same day and have the same Galactic Signature?

The way we explain is that there are 260 different Galactic Signatures. Everyone falls into this grid but it is not about the personal level. It is not about what will happen when you are 28 when you get married, etc. It is about understanding your own energy and how to respond to everyday life.

If you believe we are all in oneness, everyone is part of the 260-kin grid. We believe that if you follow the calendar every day, you follow the cycle of 260 kins over 260 days, you are able to connect to other people in the world through the energy of this 260-day cycle.

The Maya people say hello as In Lake’ch, and respond with A-La-Kin. This means “I see you” and “You are in Me.” We are no different but we all have our own life lesson. The more people follow the calendar, the more people can live with joy and love and be creative. As we believe, we can shift consciousness in a positive way.


So for someone with the same Galactic Signature, they would still use the same energy of say their hidden power?


Yes. Of course looking from the outside, the package is different. We have a different job. We are from a different country, and have a different background. The facade of the challenge may be different. The wisdom is overlapping because we are talking about the vibrations and the energy behind the Galactic Signature. The Galactic Signature is connected with feeling, by looking at the signature, each individual can related to their own feeling and stories.


What is the Oracle?


That is the Galactic Signature which has five kins and tones – your own kin, the Guide Kin, the Analog Kin, the Antipode Kin, and the Occult Kin.

Finding out your own kin is a journey to connect to yourself. Your own kin is your nature, which is your root energy. The Guide Kin is the power to lead you to your dreams. The Analog Kin is the supporting partner. The Antipode Kin is the Challege or Strenghtening Power. The Occult Kin is the hidden Power, that you didn’t expect but is helping you to expand your power.


Today is the Blue Galactic Hand. What does colour mean in the Maya Calendar?

What is the Oracle?


Colours in the Maya Calendar are also a very important cycle. Red, white, blue, and yellow.

In a monthly cycle, the first week is the red week, the second white, third blue, and the fourth week is the yellow week. In the first seven days, we are setting intentions. This is the week of initiating. What do we want to accomplish? We find the elements to help us act toward our goal.

The second week is refining. We can sit and meditate to see what we need to refine in our walk toward our goal.

The third week is the transformation week, by putting these thoughts into action.

So after we have the action, we have the final week or the ripening week, when we will start seeing results.


That is four weeks of seven days each, which makes 28 days, which is the lunar cycle. This is a big difference from the Gregorian Calendar, a solar-based system. Why is following the lunar cycle important?

What is the Oracle?


We know that we, as humans, are affected by the moon’s energy. We call our menstruation the moon cycle. There is a very close correlation between the moon cycle and the human cycle. Also our hypothalamus and the pituitary gland and the flow in our body.

By following the 13 Moon Calendar, some people say their periods become regulated and some people feel more at peace with themselves. In the old days, during the time of menstruation, we knew that this was the time we needed to rest and that during some days of the cycle we are more active. By following the moon cycle, we become more aware of nature interacting with us.


What else is different between the Gregorian Calendar and the 13:20 Calendar?


The Gregorian Calendar was invented for tax-collecting purposes. If we understand that everything holds a vibration then the Gregorian Calendar holds the vibration of “Time is Money.” 12 hours. 60 minutes every hour. That is machine time but natural time is not machine time and we are not machines. We are human beings. Einstein said that time only makes sense when we experience it. In the Maya Calendar, we follow the 13 and 20 cycles. We call it “Time is Art.” T(e) = ART.

People perceive time in a linear way such as past, present, and future. Time is waves, each moment containing all past, present, and future. Time is memories; without memories we have “no time”.

The 12:60 refers to an unconsciously accepted order of time that is artificial in nature. Twelve refers to the codification of daily time into an irregular and arbitrary calendar of 12 months. Sixty refers to the equally arbitrary division of the day into 24 (12×2) hours of 60 minutes each. Unconscious acceptance of this 12:60 timing frequency is the single most contributing factor to the problem of human alienation from nature.

José Argüelles, The Call of Pacal Votan


From the perspective of the 13:20 Calendar, time is art and time is fluid. So time does change through perception and experience?


Yes. We follow this calendar by following the kin of the day, every day, which allows us to break away from the mechanic pattern and living in a fun and creative life.

For example, yesterday I was trying to see why my whole schedule was off. I was trying to understand what it meant for me so I added up my energy and the day’s energy, which was Skywalker. The Skywalker jumps here and there to explore time and space, and then so does the perception of time. So I could laugh, knowing that, instead of being stuck in the energy of being late.


If someone has Skywalker in their Galactic Signature, does it mean that the Skywalker energy is more comfortable for them?


The reason people like to learn about the 13 Moon Calendar is so they can reconnect with the energy they were assigned to and to understand how to interact with nature.

To get away from the false time, we must recognize we are not machines or robots that live in a loop of the same pattern. Everyone is unique. Everyone can be themselves and choose to live their life freely. Connecting your own Galactic Signature is connecting your cosmic memories. What is cosmic memories? Cosmic memories is “it is everyone’s right to live their life with love, joy, peace, fun, and creativity etc. The first time I listened to my own reading, I was like “oh, everything I experience in life makes sense!” Not in a linear way but I could connect the dots.


Can you give an example of following the Galactic Signature of the day?


Kin 130 is the White Cosmic Dog. That is followed by the next kin, Kin 131 Blue Magnetic Monkey. The White Cosmic Dog asks how can we understand unconditional love. After we understand unconditional love, we can go onto understanding that life is an illusion. That it is a game. That is the Monkey. That is how we can relate to the calendar but there is no fixed way to read it.


What is the question about?


The question is about life. It is not about right or wrong. It is the question that leads you to infinite potential and abundance. Questions are a guidance for us to open up new doors.

When we are stuck sometimes in life, we think we have no choices. If we understand that nature is based on infinite potential, we remind ourselves that we do not believe that this is the only choice so there must be some other ways which can open up the possibilities. In life, you have to keep learning. That’s the way to accumulate wisdom.


Is verbalizing this enough to open doors?


Yes. Once you ask questions, then you are thinking you don’t need to look at the situation this one way, but from other perspectives.


What is your question?


I am Cosmic, which is “how can I expand my joy and love? This is my question. I have to find out what is happiness in my life. 12 or 15 years ago, a job interviewer asked me what my goal was. My answer was to be happy. At that time, in the commercial world, answering the question this way, I didn’t get the job. That led me to understand that maybe I should not ask what is the goal of my job but to describe what is my life’s work. My life’s work is to be happy, which leads me to where I am now.


What is the 13:20 Calendar’s philosophy on reincarnation? Is there a wheel you are supposed to travel through to experience each of the 260 Galactic Signatures?


Everyone is connected to everyone else. We also emphasize the calculation of things. Aside from the Galactic Signature, we can also calculate what we call our Higher Self, which provides another perspective to look at our lives. Once you understand your own Galactic Signature, you can look at the direction to go. That is the Wavespell, the purpose of a person’s life.

A Wavespell is a wave containing 13 Galactic Signatures. It is like a flow of life. We can look at it as a cycle in which to accomplish. As a 13-day cycle or a 13-year cycle that you can interact with.


Are all these covered in your reading?


We look at the Galactic Signature, your Wavespell, and Higher Self. This is like your passport in this life. Also the Plasma, which is a person’s fundamental energy that helps charge the battery of life. Like Kali, one of the seven.


If someone has Kali as their Plasma, if they feel depleted, how can they recharge?


You can relate it to the vibration of the sacral chakra, which is related to creation. This is where we hold our womb, so you know that we can work on our establishment of life. What do you want to create in life? However, the 13 Moon Calendar also emphasizes on a daily practice of meditation. You can follow a daily plasma chanting to restore your energy.


Even though it is meant to energize, asking someone what they want to create in life may cause more stress!


Yes. What is helpful for me is that when we follow the calendar, we don’t hold onto the descriptions of any of the emotions. You just acknowledge the challenge of the day and focus on living life in the moment as it is. When you connect with the energy, you will know what actions to take. That’s why meditation is important. Meditation is a way to clear and empty our channel, so energy can flow in and out in our body.


What would a subsequent reading be like?


We can look at more specific questions, like relationships, or we can do a yearly reading.


What is a relationship compatibility reading?


We look at what is the energy that you have to interact with each other. Of course you can understand your own energy and the other person’s energy. We also look at the couple’s shared lesson. If you can recognize what the challenge is between each other, you can resolve it with that awareness.


And a yearly reading?


Every year we are interacting with different energies and have different questions as our focus. We call this year the White Planetary Wizard, which is about manifestation. Everything we want to manifest is inside us already. We just need to close our eyes and listen to our hearts, and voila! It is important to watch our thought what we want to manifest. To understand the calendar, you have to understand the questions of the 13 Galactic Tones and the meanings [which are the answers] of the 20 Solar Seals.


We have a few more months to work with this, until the next year starting July 26.


Yes, and the synchronicity of this month of February is also interesting. It is what we call the Blue Resonant Monkey. We are also having Chinese New Year, the Year of the Monkey. If the Resonant Moon is about how do we attune our services to others, and we have the Blue Monkey as the answer, we may want to pay attention to the monkey mind we have or we may want to see the illusion or how we want to play in life.


You also offer workshops.


Yes, a reading workshop to learn how to read your own Galactic Signature. It is an introduction to the 13 Moon Calendar. After the workshop, you will be able to understand what is a Galactic Signature, what it means to you, and what is your relationship to your family, friends, and even colleagues. We also calculate the group energy in the workshop and see what is the lesson for us as a group and where we are headed with this knowledge. It is a lot of fun.


When did you start connecting with the 13 Moon Calendar?


I started last year and I have been living the White Wizard. Nothing is stable. All my plans change. I don’t know where I’ll be until the last minute. No matter that so many things have happened in my life, I am still able to centre myself. I will say that my realization with the calendar is that life is just life. There is no suffering. You can then see the unity of the universe.


How did you discover the calendar?


My guide is the Blue Monkey and my partner is the Blue Rhythmic Monkey. It is very funny. The 13 Moon Calendar is about synchronicity. I came across a newsletter that my partner was getting and I went for a reading. It started from that reading.


How has it been working with this calendar system?


I am a Cosmic Hand. I know there are lots of things I have to learn. In the past, I would always struggle, to find confidence with myself. Do I really need to learn? Do I really have to have so many ups and downs in life? But once I connected with the calendar, I had such a relief that I could finally make sense of my own life. I can connect with it, without judgment. It is simply life. You will start listening to yourself more. You still also start responding to the lessons you have. They are just lessons I have. That’s all.

The 13 Moon Calendar is a unifying system that brings everyone into cycles within cycles. Everyone of us is assigned one of the 260 kins or Galactic Signatures, with a question-answer to explore this life. With each birthday, we receive a different question-answer and on top of that, each year, which begins on July 26, we work with a new collection question-answer.

There are no coincidences or accidents within this system; everything is synchronicity; look to see how our family members, close friends, colleagues, frenemies, and others fit into our Galactic Signature which shows us what are the support, guiding, hidden power, and challenge energies. Our Destiny Oracles give us interesting insight to living every day, as does following the kin of the day. The various cycles allow us access to amazing interacting energies of Nature and Natural Time. With all this information, how will you transform the vibrations for each cycle, for each day?

Yvonne Lau is based in Hong Kong. She can be reached at Join her group T(E)=Art Star Traveler on Facebook for regular 13 Moon Calendar information.

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