Do you keep seeing something over and over again? Maybe it’s a feather? Yes, that too. For me, the latest thing is Linden tea. Through synchronicity and signs, we uncover messages we need to hear. And so it is that I (finally) discovered the wonderful Linden tea’s benefits, and more.
The other day I stumbled onto a tucked-away European market. Amongst all the wonderful goodies, I came home with birch sap water from Belarus and an organic Ukrainian Linden tea.
That night, when I reached into my tea shelf to make a cup of this Linden tea, I saw that I already had a box! Hmmm. Message received.
So while I waited for my kettle to boil, I looked up Linden tea and why I was so drawn to it. What are Linden tea’s benefits? For me?
What is the Linden Tree?
Linden is a group of trees found in Europe, North America, and Asia. In some places, they are also called Lime Trees or Lime Bushes (Tilia europea). Their flowers, leaves, bark, and extracts have been used medicinally for years, Tilia cordata (“little-leaf linden”) being the most often used. In Slavic mythology, the Linden tree is sacred. It is a tree mentioned in many tales and fairytales, including The Three Linden Trees by Herman Hesse.
You may have seen – or smelled – these aromatic trees. For gardeners, the Linden may be of interest as it’s known to be easy to care for and it attracts bees. Be sure you have enough space as this tree can reach upwards of 80 feet. If you do keep bees, honey from Linden flowers are purported to be the best flavoured.
The beautiful yellow flowers bloom in early and midsummer; once dried, are brewed as tea. Its medicinal effects come from its phytonutrients and flavonoids. Noted for antioxidant properties, especially procyanidins, this tea can help reduce free radicals. Called Tilleul, it’s a prized herbal tea in France.

Linden Tea’s Benefits
Relieves Cold Symptoms
Linden tea helps relieve symptoms of colds and flu, such as sore throat, coughing, and congestion. It’s also been used since the Middle Ages to promote sweating, a diaphoretic function due to its flavonoid compounds.
Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is heat -arthritis, tendonitis, and other -itis conditions – that many people are struggling with these days. With its anti-inflammatory properties, Linden tea can help with the symptoms.
Relieves Anxiety
Linden tea, with its soothing qualities, helps calm the nervous system. Treating mental stress, along with colds, is the traditional use of Linden tea. Being a vasodilator, it lowers blood pressure. Historically it is also used for seizures and epilepsy.
From the literature, is is recommended that pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those with heart challenges should not have Linden tea, due mostly to excess consumption. Because of the signature, it is recommended for warming the heart and bringing happiness. Be sure you are also not allergic to Linden flowers.
Other Uses
Linden’s benefits are more than medicinal. Place a sachet under your pillow with both Linden flowers and Lavender to help with insomnia. If you are looking to relieve grief and feel vitality, use a sachet with only Linden flowers, whether on your person or under your pillow. The oil from the tree is used for purification, protection, and strengthening of love.
This herb is associated with Jupiter and justice.
I can see why I needed this tea. Linden tea’s benefits are plenty and are very supportive of my current situation. As the carer of a senior dog, I hold much muscle tension (from lifting her) and from waking up through the night for pee breaks. Aside from drinking Linden as tea, I can also add it to a relaxing bath, a perfect way to transition from day to night to sleep. Other ways I can use Linden flowers is making a poultice for dry rashes. (I also have a cat prone to relaxation-induced aggression.) I’ll also try to source some flowers when they bloom – it’s said that keeping fresh flowers help (re)vitalize the spirit. Their beautiful fragrance is indeed uplifting.
Indeed the Linden tree is full of goodness. It is no wonder so many parts of this tree have been used medicinally and magically for such a long time. Have you tried Linden tea for its benefits or used it medicinally in other ways?
Sources & Further Reading
Lime (NL:Linden) for Magical Midsummer Happiness