Perhaps I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole – it seems everywhere I look it’s all about lymphatic drainage. For good reason. Modern day indoor and more sedentary lifestyles have placed more burden on our body and its natural functions. This includes circulation and elimination. It’s no wonder facial Gua Sha has become so popular in the past few years. Focusing on beauty sells. Oftentimes facial Gua Sha is sold as an easy, relaxing, fun, and accessible way to reduce wrinkles, improve lymphatic drainage, and get that natural glow. Don’t get me wrong – I love facial and body Gua Sha. Doing Gua Sha on myself while under the weather brings such release and relief! I too have shared my love of Gua Sha, which is a cultural practice I grew up with and one that I continue to learn about from a variety of Chinese Medicine practitioners and Gua Sha experts.
I also love tools, especially well crafted ones with beautiful lines and delicious textures. Pens, cameras, crochet needles, brushes, spoons… did you know you can use a porcelain spoon for Gua Sha or a crochet needle for facial reflexology?
Back to the topic at hand, the Lymphatic Brush.
Lymphatic Drainage
Perhaps like me, when you first discovered Lymphatic Drainage Massage, you were surprised by how gentle it is? It’s not like Chinese massage or deep tissue massage. It’s a barely-there touch to move the lymph fluids and encourage drainage of the lymph nodes. For a variety of medical and lifestyle reasons, lymphatic fluids can build up. There is no motor in the lymphatic system and movement such as walking is needed. Some people love the rebounder. I do though it often sits forgotten, to be honest. You can also do calf raises. And of course, getting a Lymphatic Drainage Massage, both by a professional and a pared down version yourself. Self massage is a wonderful self care practice that may be for you.
My entry into supporting my lymph was dry brushing. Using a dry brush, before showering or bathing, we stimulate drainage by moving the brush on dry skin toward the heart. This also helps to remove dead skin. While I do enjoy its benefits, the traditional dry brush wasn’t my favourite.
☞ Five Ways to Support Your Lymphatic System
☞ Dry Brushing (Ayurveda perspective)
The Lymphatic Brush – The Difference
So when I saw The Lymphatic Brush, I was more than intrigued. I knew this would be for me. It was designed by Cecily Braden, who had been training spa professionals since 1994. She’s incorporated what she’s learned from healers from Asia and developed educational programs for various tools. There was just something about the shape and the bristle texture of the brush that called to me. You see, I never did like the stiff bristles of traditional dry brushes. My favourites are the Energy Brush from Living Libations and The Body Tool from De La Heart, which is essentially a wooden paddle. Neither of these works on the face.
I purchased both the Body and Face versions as a Christmas gift for myself and I’ve been using them regularly ever since. I really do love how they feel and it’s such a pleasure using them. I keep them by my bed and can easily use them in bed, whether it’s while I’m reading, preparing for bed, or getting up in the morning. When I was down with the flu, I used the face brush, along with a Gua Sha board and fingers, to help clear my sinuses. I enjoyed better sleep doing this and taping my mouth shut with a small bit of tape for nose breathing and using Earthley’s Lymphatic Cream.
Because it feels so good, is so easy and intuitive to use, and for me, it’s right there by my bed, The Lymphatic Brush is getting used. My skin feels good. It’s helped with lymphatic drainage (and I even used it when I was down with the flu!). I love Gua Sha still; this requires no prep work – no prepping my skin with oil/lotion and it’s not fragile. I’ve broken a couple of Gua Sha boards and spoons. To be clear, Gua Sha is for more than lymphatic drainage, which is more of a bonus or a by-product. So it’s not a replacement.
The Lymphatic Brush comes in two sizes – body and face. The difference is more than size. The body version gives a deeper pressure. It’s a more dense bristle and the density gives a nice feel. I prefer this one on my neck than the face brush. It’s all preference. The key is contact and using a mix of strokes. Cecily Braden shares different techniques on Instagram, if you want to check it out in action. Purchase of The Lymphatic Brush also gives you access to a library of resources, including a step-by-step how to, both face and body maps, and contraindications.
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