The Art of Jin Shin is the new book for self-care by longtime New York-based Jin Shin practitioner Alexis Brink. She is also the president of Jin Shin Institute, founded by one of Mary Burmeister’s students, Pamela M. Smith. Mary Burmeister is the reason why so many of us know this art, this art of balancing and healing with our fingers.
This is a beautifully-produced book, with photographs and diagrams to clearly illustrate flows and specific Self-Help. In fact, most of the book consists of how to practice this art to enjoy greater wellbeing. It also provides a foundation of what Jin Shin is, including the meanings of all 26 Safety Energy Locks. Each one has its own story, own personality, own energy.
Listening to the energy spiralling to the core of the body and back to the relevant SELs, we leave our hands in place until we feel the energy harmonize. The pulses will slow, quicken, and/or steady as the client’s energy comes into alignment, and other energetic cues such as excessive heat, cold, swelling and congestion, or discolouring may dissipate. You may have some difficulty discerning these signals as you begin your Jin Shin self-care journey. Slow down and breathe, and with a little practice, you will soon be able to “hear” the energy’s pulsation through your SELs.
Alexis Brink, The Art of Jin Shin ¹
Self-care is powerful and for Alexis Brink, “within this practice, self-care is not merely a cheap shortcut to the real thing. Self-care is actually a core principle of the Art of Jin Shin – and it was crucial to the development of the technique.” ²
Jin Shin – The Beginnings
Jiro Murai, born in 1886, the second son in a family of physicians, became seriously ill at age 26 from an indulgent lifestyle. With nothing more to do for him, he was then carried to the family mountain cabin where he fasted, meditated, and explored mudras. By the seventh day, Jiro Murai was well again. This transformation spurred him onto studying mudras, different texts, body’s circulation, and conditions in detail. His findings and insights were put together into a system, though this is a universal art. An innate knowing.
One of Jiro Murai’s students was the American Mary Burmeister who then brought this art back to the US and beyond. There are now practitioners worldwide. Now back in Vancouver, Canada, I first discovered this art in Singapore and have taken workshops there, in Los Angeles, Tampa, and Vancouver as well. So if you are interested in becoming a practitioner there are many trainings or you can purchase the online course at the Jin Shin Institute.
Jin Shin – the Many Ways to Explore
If you get the chance to speak with a practitioner, you’ll discover that we all have our story of discovery, our love story with this wonderful art. Perhaps it is a healing story. For me, it was seeing my rescue dog Lou visibly sink deeply into her body when I practiced the Umbilicus flow on her. This great big sigh and release. Lou was quite a handful when she first came to live with me. A beautiful, big-hearted dog, she was highly energetic and she was reactive. From then on, until her last breath (literally), Lou received flows and holds.
I have now transitioned three of my animals with this art. One of the many reasons I joined Simon Fraser University’s End of Life Matters event on September 21, 2019. I brought along my books and my three Self-Help books for people to browse. Many people took photos of the covers – I hope they all enjoy their reading and exploring. Someone even snapped a photo of the self-help for bedwetting for her grandchild. In case you are interested, it is on page 127 in The Art of Jin Shin. ☞ Get Your Copy
Power of Self-Care
Self-care is a wonderful way to enjoy greater wellbeing and balance in your life. It is empowering to be able to do something for yourself, and also for your family and friends. Self-care by itself is powerful and effective, with incredible shifts. If you feel overwhelmed, you can start with The Symptom Encyclopedia or the Organ Flows. You can also connect with one of the many practitioners for a session or a “tune-up”. The Art of Jin Shin is a must-have resource to start, explore, or deepen your Self-care/Self-love practice. So let’s us be our own testimony, as Mary Burmeister used to say.

The Art of Jin Shin was sent to me by the publisher. This “book review” is authentically my own opinion, as the Editor of What Therapy and a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.
1 The Art of Jin Shin by Alexis Brink. Tiller. 2019. p29.2 Ibid. p10.