Got your summer essentials? Are you ready for playing in the sun and surf? Summer is all about getting out in the sun, and having fun. For many people, summer is also the season of sunburns, bug bites, and even smellier pits. What about you? Here are some summer essentials to check out.
Summer Essentials
DMinder App
The DMinder app is more than a summer essential; it’s for year-round!
This app tracks the sun where you are and alerts you about the sun exposure required for you to reach healthy levels of Vitamin D. This is based on your age, weight, skin tone, and amount of exposed skin. (I turn on the app tracking option.) It shows how overcast it is and ozone amount.
Using DMinder can help you track production of Vitamin D and minimize sun damage while enhancing your overall health that comes from sun exposure.
To Vitamin D or not – the Vitamin D Deficiency Controversy
The app does take into account your Vitamin D supplementation. I prefer whole foods, avoid fortified foods, and get sun exposure to ensure healthy Vitamin D levels. Dietary sources include eggs, fatty fish, cod liver oil, and grass-fed beef. I’ve also added more rosemary to my food to help clear my Vitamin D Receptors. Low storage D, which is often what’s measured, can mean a lot is being converted because not a lot is attaching to the receptors, an indication of bacterial infection.
The other thing to keep in mind about sun damage is that by wearing sunblock, UV-blocking contacts and glasses, and sunglasses, we are depriving the body of information essential to adaptation in changing levels and qualities of sunlight. This doesn’t mean stay out in the sun, especially between 10AM and 4PM. Use DMinder and start rising to meet the sunrise. If not the sunrise, at least prime your body between sunrise and 10PM by increasing exposure slowly. Be sure to be hydrated.
If you do get a little too much sun, reach for aloe vera, coconut oil, or a natural after-sun cream like Sun Soothe. People have also found that this product helps heal other burns and take away the itch from poison ivy and insect bites. (Another product people have also unexpectedly found effective is the leave-in conditioner.)
Natural Bug Repellent and Bite Care
I’ve tested many, many natural bug repellents and bite care. Here’s information about Cistus tea and protective qi. I’ve made different essential oil mixtures and have tried commercial sprays and balms. This includes Murphy’s Natural Mosquito Repellent, Living Libations’ Forager’s Balm, and Earthley’s Pest Aside. And yes, even Avon’s Skin So Soft at one point.
The problem is longevity, especially when you are out hiking and sweating. If you don’t like the smell of citronella or eucalyptus, these options usually are unpleasant. Luckily, I enjoy these scents. Did you know that citronella can mask carbon dioxide and lactic acid? This makes it harder for mosquitos to spot you!
Here’s my work-in-progress protocol:
- Vimergy’s B12
- Staphysagria homeopathic remedy (used prophylactically)
- Earthley’s Pest Aside or Living Libations’ Forager Balm
- Ledum or Apis Mellific (after being bitten)
- Earthley’s Black Drawing Salve (also good for drawing out splinters) – tip use a bit of oil to remove
- Earthley’s natural Lymphatic Cream
- Colorup Zinc Moisturizer (with CBD) for healing/fading scars
- Balancing my Earth element with Spleen and Stomach Energy Adjustment Flows (you can also hold your thumb and each of your fingers for 3 – 5 minutes each)
Here’s an article on homeopathic remedies for insect bites and stings. A paste made with baking soda can also be helpful. Other recommendations yet to try – DesBio’s Bug Bouncer, Earthley’s Deep Healing Skin Serum, and Tallow Healing Lotion from Creatrix Solutions’ Eileen Durfee.
Salve for bumps and Bruises
I love homeopathics for bumps and bruises. I always have Arnica Montana stocked at home, as remedies and as a gel/lotion. You can also get an herbal Arnica Salve or All-Purpose Salve. Be sure not to put the herbal Arnica Salve on an open wound. I use homeopathic gels or lotions which is different.
“Okay so this stuff here is awesome! My daughter who is 14 months loves to walk and (try) to run around. Well she went sideways and got herself pretty good on the corner of a wall. It immediately swelled up and was red. I immediately gave it a kiss, she got a snuggle and I put this stuff on it. My husband was in the shower and by the time he came out the swelling was down and so was the bruise! He become a believer after that.” – Nicolette about the Arnica Salve.
“Terrific product. Had a sore shoulder from too much heavy lifting and this did the trick. I love the convenience of the stick.” – Dane Girl on Arnica Salve
“Cannot express how AWESOME this product is! Always keep it on hand at home and in my diaper bag. I use it for baby’s bottom, minor cuts/scrapes and burns (my clumsy preggo hands and baking). I grabbed a hot pan and the burn came quick, but within minutes of applying this salve, I felt relief and they healed quickly.” – Karen Vincent on All-Purpose Salve
Mineral Deodorant
Because we’ll sweat more in the heat and more activity, you may want more deodorant. I switched away from commercial brands a long time ago because they were made with aluminum and other ingredients I didn’t like. Nowadays there are many more choices.
Many brands, like the Booda Butter Cream Deodorant I use, does have baking soda. If this is a no-go for you, check out Earthley’s Mineral Deodorant and their newer formulation, Mineral Deodorant Plus. The Plus version also includes French green clay which supports the lymphatic system and skin detox. You can choose either unscented or one of the many scented ones made with essential oils. The original formulation has more scents available, including the seasonal blueberry-vanilla. Unsure of the scent? Try the trial size.
Hydration is important all the time. Most people are dehydrated anyway. In the summer, when we are out in the sun, we may lose more than we realize through sweating. Keeping hydrated is definitely one of our summer essentials. One thing I’m still figuring out is electrolytes. Many like Ultima has liquid stevia which I don’t like. I’m trying now is the sample pack from LMNT. Finding one that doesn’t taste disgusting is where I’m at. Then there is BioPure’s Matrix Electrolyte Powder. I’ve read mixed reviews, ranging from bland to undrinkable.

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