Would you like to boost your immune function naturally? Find out how, with these powerful approaches. Time for more self-care.
Search Results "jin shin"
Faced with our current global crisis, we may be breathing shallow, contracting. Here are some resources to help us breathe more deeply.
White Dew is the 15th Solar Term in China’s Solar Calendar. This marks another part of Autumn. Find out what it means and how we can support our health.
We still do not truly know why we get sick. How far do we go to flesh out the root cause of dis-ease? Some questions to explore.
August holds the vibration of eight. What does the start of August bring us? What are some powerful centering practices for the month?
Do you have a defined, open or undefined solar plexus? What does this mean? Delving into this aspect of Human Design has shed light on my relationships.
These times are trying as uncertainty rules. We’re faced with so much information – changing protocols, rules, and legislation. Trying to make sense of what’s going on. Trying to shift into the new normal. Trying to… this energy can push us out of balance. Find out how these powerful energy balancing moves can help.
We are living in strange times and in the chaos, we have potential for great change. In these uncertain times, a new voice is rising. What will it be?
The Virgo Full Moon – Full Worm Moon and a Supermoon – is a potent portal. You have probably been feelings her energy in the days ahead. Find out more.
According to Human Design, we have defined and open centres, including the root centre. These provide different lessons and wisdom. Here’s a personal experience of discovery and unfolding.
Connecting threads in life can happen in unexpected ways. With Mercury in retrograde, we can get deepr with ourselves with contemplation and review. Here are some thoughts that connected in a massage session.