According to Numerology, 2019 is a “3” Universal Year. This is the energy of joy and creativity. Let’s see what this means and how we embody it.
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In his second book, Survival Guide for the Soul, Ken Shigematsu shares spiritual practices for everyone so that we can “flourish spiritually in a world that pressures us to achieve.”
Natural pain relief? Try these three tips using acupressure. Easy to do and effective. Included is a acupressure routine for headaches from cosmetic acupuncture expert Shellie Goldstein.
Find out what histamine and histamine intolerance have to do with drama addiction and more importantly, what to do about it.
Here are some natural ways to feel better come springtime.
Do you have people around you who are judgmental, narcissistic, passive-aggressive or otherwise making you feel undeserving and unlovable? This article is for you, and all of us.
Spring can be a tough time for many people, with hay fever and what not and lots of people get sick during seasonal transition times. Try doing this in the first week of spring (and any season) to healthier and well.
Constipation is about more than toilet habits. To get un-constipated we need to address the real underlying causes.