Making Babies

Symposium on Enhancing Your Fertility Naturally

Making Babies is a symposium with a panel of speakers invited to share their mind-body-spirit perspectives on conception and enhancing fertility. The speakers share how to get the body ready naturally as well as address emotional and mental blocks and fears that may impede becoming pregnant.

The topics at Making Babies include:

  • Detoxify the body – the why and how
  • De-stress body and mind
  • Release energetic blocks and stagnation
  • Address underlying beliefs and fears relating to getting pregnant, delivery, and becoming a parent
  • Enhance life force energy and its flow in the body system
  • Harmonize feminine and masculine energies, identity, and hormonal challenges.

Thank you to everyone who attended Making Babies. Bravo to all the speakers who presented us with so many natural options to harmonize ourselves, our relationships, and environment to enhance fertility.

We were delighted to share this information with a wide audience, which included many couples. It is so important to have the men onboard this intimate journey from the start. We need to destigmatize the shame and the ego-hit that can come with fertility challenges. Conception depends on the vitality and good health of men as well as women.

Our overall message is that the environment has become rather toxic and toxins can get passed down. We believe that addressing these issues prior to getting pregnant is better for the child’s health as well as the parents and the environment.

Fertility and conception is a complex topic. Success depends on so many factors which include our beliefs and fears. It requires us to look at this journey on multiple levels.

Thanks to the speakers, the lucky draw included Juliet Kelly-Wong’s customized Conception blend, a free Nutripuncture workshop and ACTIVA products from Valerie Marin, an audio recording from Astronergy about astrology and fertility.

Making Babies Fertility Talk September 28 2013

Making Babies Symposium Speakers


Kathy is a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner with many years of experience and has been mentored by senior instructions from Jin Shin Jyutsu Scottsdale. She works with a variety of health challenges and has successfully worked with many of her clients seeking to become pregnant. She is passionate about sharing this art of healing that brings the body into balance and harmony by releasing the stagnation due to lifestyle choices and attitude.


Stuart is the creator of PEACE AT WORK CLARITY, a simple and powerful technique to release stress. As we know, stress can diminish the proper functioning of our body. The Stress Response directs the body’s resources to life-saving activities and away from non-critical functions such as digestion, immunity, and reproduction. By releasing deep tensions and stress, this open-eye meditation technique can help with the anxiety that often accompanies the conception journey.


Valerie is the founder of BEING IN YOGA and has been a student of yoga since 1994. She is a Yoga Therapist and teaches yoga in the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya. Every year, she visits Chennai, India to continue her studies. Valerie works with clients one-on-one and in group classes, as well as leading teacher training. Yoga Science is a whole-body science that addresses health challenges, beyond the physical. Valerie will share how Yoga Therapy can help support the body to conceive.


Tanja is a Fertility Coach and Hypnotherapist. She understands that the mind can be a stumbling block to conception, without our conscious knowledge. Each of us has our own subconscious fears that contradict what we consciously desire. Addressing these fears and working through them can help bring us come to greater clarity about a situation.


Juliet is a holistic practitioner who uses a variety of modalities such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Clinical Aromatherapy, and Nutrition to support clients on their wellness journey. One of her passions is helping people create a more natural environment, using healthier options over the commercial products that are often laden with toxic ingredients that compromise our health.


Valerie represents Nutripuncture and ACTIVA in Singapore. Nutripuncture is a wellness modality created by Dr Patrick Veret that harnesses the ancient wisdom of Acupuncture and modern science to optimize cellular communication. ACTIVA is a line of bioavailable supplements produced in France that boost well-being on different levels.