Magnesium Deficiency? Try these tips

Did you know that Magnesium deficiency and stress symptoms are similar? What about the link between Magnesium and stress?

Are you experiencing fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, irritability, or gastrointestinal complaints? These are common symptoms of both.

The Stress Factor

Yes, there may be other reasons. Yet looking at our stress factors somehow seems less urgent, less “sexy” or “exotic” and more mundane. Stress, and especially chronic stress, is so often overlooked. In many ways, we’ve been conditioned and taught not to respond naturally or complete our stress response, such as trembling.

Our stress response is more than the long-believed “fight or flight.”

It’s “Arrest (increased vigilance, scanning), Flight (try first to escape), Fight (if the animal or person is prevented from escaping), Freeze (fright – scared stiff), and Fold (collapse into helplessness)”. ¹ By the way, Peter Levine notes that trauma can occur when a person is intensely terrified and cannot escape, perhaps they feel trapped or are actually restrained.

Why is Magnesium Important?

Magnesium is a cofactor for 300+ essential functions and may be the most important mineral and so important to our overall health. We need this mineral for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis, insulin metabolism, and regulation of blood pressure and muscle contraction, for example. According to Dr Norm Shealy, Magnesium deficiency is involved in every illness.

We shouldn’t be surprised then, given chronic stress levels, most people are likely to be deficient in Magnesium. Keep in mind that only 1% of Magnesium is stored in the blood, if you are looking at lab tests. And if you are looking at lab tests, check out what low Vitamin D actually means. Standard tests usually look at storage D. A low score here indicates low Magnesium levels, a marker for inflammation.

We can become deficient in Magnesium for different reasons, including poor nutrition and gut issue. Stress is another important factor; it depletes Magnesium. If deficient over time, a person can become more susceptible to stress.

Ways to Boost Your Magnesium Levels

  • have a nutrient-dense diet
  • swim in naturally blue water (the ocean is full of minerals, especially bioavailable Magnesium)
  • cook with sea salts
  • soak in epsom salt baths or foot baths (epsom salt is a magnesium and sulphate mix)
  • use Magnesium lotions or sprays

I’m using the Magnesium lotion (Good Night Lotion) from Earthley, a family-owned business formed in 2016, though founder and lead herbalist, Kate Tietje began her mission in 2009. It started with her creating an herbal diaper cream for her baby who had allergies. Instead of using the antibiotic cream her doctor prescribed.

This cream is non-GMO and is free of parabens, phthalates, fragrance (I use the sensitive version), artificial colours, binders, fillers, preservatives, and allergens such as soy, corn, dairy, and gluten.

FYI What Therapy is an affiliate of Earthley. Using What Therapy’s link does not change your price. The referral commission we earn supports what we do at What Therapy, researching, writing, and providing wellness information. New to Earthley? Enjoy 10% off with the code – newtoearthley.

More info on Magnesium

The Effect of Magnesium supplementation on Primary Insomnia in Elderly: A Double-blind Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial [link]

The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare [link]

Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate May Relieve Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnancy [link]

The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress—A Systematic Review [link]

The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders [link]

Role of Magnesium Supplementation in the Treatment of Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial [link]

Magnesium Deficiency Induces Anxiety and HPA Axis Dysregulation: Modulation by Therapeutic Drug Treatment [link]

Effect of Magnesium Supplement on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Randomized Control Trial [link]

Effect of Transdermal Magnesium Cream on Serum and Urinary Magnesium Levels in Humans: A Pilot Study [link]


¹ Levine, Peter A. In an Unspoken Voice. North Atlantic Books, 2010. p48.