What would it be like to be born into a world where your uniqueness is acknowledged and celebrated? Where we each respect our own life force and that of everyone? And where we understand that all of us have a part to play in the evolution of the totality?
The Human Design System is a way to decode human genetic information. It is not a belief system. It is a self-verification and an empirical way to explore who we are and to live our authentic self.
Future Genetics
Since 1781, we have evolved into a 9-energy-centre being and the focus has shifted from surviving to experiencing what life has to offer. In this changing world, being strategic now only works for a small portion of the population. Meanwhile others are yet to fully express and enjoy the evolutionary benefits of the future genetics that they carry.
Those of us born with future genes do not function well when we are confined to the strategies the old structures demand. We have been taught and so come to believe that we must navigate with strategy rather than align with life force and flow through following the wisdom of our bodies. We have been conditioned by this homogenizing force that neglects our uniqueness. If you take a look around today, however, you can clearly see these old structures are failing and crumbling. This will continue to happen as we come to the end of the age we’ve been living in.
Human Design & Children
This homogenization can clearly be seen in our education system, which largely has the same model. Many children suffer from this as they learn very differently. The diagnosis is that these children are dysfunctional, difficult, or not intelligent, rather than the system is ailing.
Raising children using the Human Design System helps us to protect them from conditioning forces. It teaches us how to honour them and their unique design. Children already know what is correct for them and have an absolutely reliable internal mechanism for that discovery. It is our current mainstream beliefs and systems that pull them away from their inner wisdom.
DUAl COnsciousness
Inside each of us, there is a dual consciousness, our Design and our Personality. Our Design or our body is stable and knows what is correct for us. The Personality or the Mind is not stable, prone to outside influences and as the Passenger Consciousness, it is here to observe and to share what we see. It is not the driver.
Unlike what we have been taught, the Mind is not reliable in the decision-making process. Its role is to measure, weigh, and balance. The Body’s role is to ultimately make the decision. Research supports this mechanic, that before we are consciously aware, we have already made a choice. When we allow the Mind to override the wisdom of the Body, we are stepping off our path. We are distorting our perception, thereby pulling us out of our true cognition, natural alignment, and health.
The Human Design Bodygraph
Our unique design is based on our genes and the planetary imprints that are derived from two reference points in time. These are the Personality/Mind at birth and Design/Body approximately three months prior to that. This astrological information, along with the corresponding I Ching, Kabbalah, and Chakra system, creates the Human Design Bodygraph.
We can see 13 planetary imprints, 9 energy centres, 36 channels, 64 gates, and 6 lines in the Human Design Bodygraph. Which of these are activated depends on the planetary transits at those two times in our life. This is what forms our uniqueness, including our strategy and authority to live our design. The unactivated energy centres are where we are open to conditioning, planetary transits, and other people’s defined energy.
However equally important, these are the areas where we gain wisdom from our experiences interacting in the world through relationships. It is through our body’s wisdom, and not the mind, that we know what is correct for us. This is why getting in touch with our body’s inner authority is essential to living our authentic life and making available our valuable contribution to the world.

Sandra Shih is a 1/3 Manifesting Generator testing the structures of the old paradigm to see what is of value to carry into the future. She is building solid foundations through weaving together diverse elements and being of the Quarter of Initiation, she is here to show others how to do the same as we all move into living more authentically and uniquely as ourselves. Visit: Sandra Shih
Wade Pajares is a 2/4 Emotionally Defined Manifesting Generator who continues to explore living his own design and truth. He does not pretend to have all the answers though he has discovered a few insights on his journey. He’s happy to share his unique perspective. As part of the Quarter of Initiation, he is lit up by helping other people discover their inner authority and deepen their own wisdom. He is also a father who has witnessed the value of Human Design in raising a child. For him, it is an essential aspect of preparing a child for the world we live in. Visit: Oceanwave Human Design