As we approach the end of the calendar year, perhaps after the exciting climax of family gatherings, we may come to a stillness that can resemble grief. Or it is that, grief. It is quite natural to experience complex emotions at the end of a cycle, such as the end of the year. Perhaps we remember the fleeting nature of time, or perhaps we feel the poignant loss of those close to us. Maybe it is this acceleration of change this past year, with many changes so unexpected for vast masses of people in the US.
I stand at my desk, writing this article, in the last days of December. It’s quiet, aside from the CD that’s playing in the other room. A CD I unearthed from my storage unit while in Vancouver recently. Noting that I hadn’t written an article here since October, I updated the What Therapy website. I’ve been involved in other projects, including revamping websites and designing new ones. Our office, even when we are both here in the two rooms, has fabulous aura space.
When two people come together, their auras interact mechanically, transferring energy, information, and triggering not-self strategies of the undefined centres. It has nothing to do with good intentions. We unwittingly condition others to be what they are not. Conditioning can be correct and that is nurture, though much of it is homogenizing, pulling us away from what is natural. Sharing Human Design with others, especially parents, is something both Wade and I are called to do. Wade discovered Human Design when his son was still young, and has honoured his son’s Design, as much as possible for a single dad.
Are you a parent? An impending parent? In 2025, almost 40% of births will be those of Manifestors. Usually, Manifestors account for about 8% of population. So this huge bump in Manifestor births is significant. Manifesting Generators will account for 40%, Generators less than 10%. These sacral-defined beings, who have the same ope and enveloping aura, account for 70% of population, around 35% for each. If you are or may be expecting in 2025, understanding your own Design and the key qualities and needs of a Manifestor can be such tremendous and valuable information.
Ideas for deconditioning
- If you are able to, devote some time to be alone in your own aura. I’m here at our new office by myself, giving my body the opportunity to release others’ energy. This is not a foreign or new practice for many of us. For those who want to radically experiment, see if you can sleep in your own aura space, even on a few nights of the week. It is not only for Projectors.
- Study the not-self strategies of your undefined centres and observe them in your life, in your interactions and engagement with others.
- Experiment with not initiating with your mind, being pulled into action by every thought and idea to manipulate life.
- Get the Bodygraphs of your family, our original conditioning environment, if you have their information and permission.
- Get a Human Design reading.
- If you are in Central Coast, Wade and I will be hosting a weekly Human Design gathering every Wednesday from 7:15PM (after our one-hour Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Drop-in). Here’s our updated January 2025 calendar for the gatherings we are hosting at our office. We are both of the Quarter of Initiation, Purpose fulfilled through Mind and we are here to teach and share.
Rave New Year
In Human Design, we celebrate New Year when the Sun transits Gate 41, the start codon. Gate 41, a Root Centre Gate, is also the fuel for the Human Experiential Way. This will be January 21, 2025 at 19:10:07 UT. If you’re looking to make resolutions for 2025, perhaps do so after we’ve transited the rest of the energies of the current solar cycle.
Until the Sun transits Gate 41, it will move through Gates 38, 54, 61, and 60.
Right now, we haven’t yet entered the “countdown” for the Rave New year. The Sun is currently transiting Gate 58, Joyous, which is the Gate before Gate 38.
Today is a Line 3 day, a day of experimentation, trial and error. Gate 58 : “Stimulation is the key to joy. The zest for life and the energy for a ‘better-life’. Criticism is a natural by-product of this improvement energy.” Gate 58 Line 3 is called Electricity. We can experience a spectrum of “the energy to fuel independent stimulation” to “the energy for aliveness that is dependent on others for stimulation.” (Quotes from The Rave I’Ching)
Gate 58 is a Root Centre gate, so it’s a fuel and a pressure. It is part of the Understanding (Logic) Circuity, keynoted with “sharing.” It’s here to focus its vitality and joy for life to correct patterns (which is a Logic circuitry quality) so that humanity can move in the direction of health. Logic is about perfecting patterns.
For those who have Gate 18, while the Sun is transiting Gate 58, you have access to the Channel of Judgment, A Design of Insatiability. You may find yourself having the fuel to correct. Do remember that this is a Collective channel and corrections are not aimed at people on a personal level. Being a Collective channel, you may find yourself also feeling more social and wanting to share, so observe where this sharing is coming from.
As the Sun and planets transit the 64 Gates and each of their six lines of expression, it is an opportunity to remember that this is the cosmic weather. Trying to mentally manipulate the energy to accomplish what we think we need to do does not bring us to a place of satisfaction, success, peace, or surprise. (These are the Signatures of the four Aura types in Human Design. We all experience these in life; just one is deeper for us, depending on our Aura Type.) Letting go is a big and important part of deconditioning, an integral part of experimenting with Human Design. It’s not meant to be theoretical, on the surface skimming; we won’t get to see who we are without dismantling what we are not.