We are unique individuals and we are made for our role and contribution. Our designs support our life experiences when we live aligned. Here’s how.
With the New Moon in Gemini, we’ve entered the wormhole tunnel into eclipse season. Here are some suggestions to journey to the other side.
The words “ceviche as a metaphor” came to me and so I let it marinate and to allow the message to bubble through the sauce. It’s about awakening.
North Node is where our potential lies. These times we are in provides a fantastic opportunity and invitation for us to delve into what we are here to do.
The Lunar Nodes are changing signs May 5 2020 and we are moving into new collective lessons for the next couple of years.
These times are trying as uncertainty rules. We’re faced with so much information – changing protocols, rules, and legislation. Trying to make sense of what’s going on. Trying to shift into the new normal. Trying to… this energy can push us out of balance. Find out how these powerful energy balancing moves can help.
We are living in strange times and in the chaos, we have potential for great change. In these uncertain times, a new voice is rising. What will it be?
From March 21 to July 1, Saturn is in Aquarius briefly before returning in December for the next 2.5 years. Let’s take a glimpse.
Spring Equinox is just around the corner. The earliest in 124 years! In these last days with the Sun in Pisces, we are closing one cycle before a new one. When the Sun moves into Aries, at Spring Equinox, we are embarking on another spiral.
Smone Butler’s Moon Power is a wonderful resource for anyone wanting to connect more deeply with their more yin and receptive aspects.
The Virgo Full Moon – Full Worm Moon and a Supermoon – is a potent portal. You have probably been feelings her energy in the days ahead. Find out more.