Mars is going direct on November 13/14, after months of being in retrograde. What does Mars in Aries feel like? What have we learned in retrograde?
What is an abundance mindset and how is an abundance mindset the way to navigate 2020 and beyond, with the door on this age closing in 2027?
Scorpio Season begins October 22/23 2020. The Sun will move through Human Design Gates and Gene Keys, reflecting world themes the collective will explore. This article will share a brief description of these four Gates and Gene Keys for us to contemplate deeper and witness in our own lives
In the Human Design System, we have nine energy centres, one of which is the Head Centre. In this article, we look at the Open or Undefined Head Centre.
We look at the last three Gene Keys as world themes of the Libra Season. Contemplating them is not only for those with Sun in Libra.
The Autumn/Spring Equinox marks the start of Libra Season and the Gene Keys also highlight the world themes we will be facing.
Each zodiac sign is an archetype. Libra, symbolized by the scales, is about relating and balancing. How do we meet our needs and fears of the beyond.
Mars Retrograde begins September 9. Because it is a personal planet, this retrograde may be touchy, and also transformative.
White Dew is the 15th Solar Term in China’s Solar Calendar. This marks another part of Autumn. Find out what it means and how we can support our health.
Virgo begins August 23, with the start of Autumn. It’s time for discernment, to keep what we want to take forward, and to release what is not essential. Here are some questions to ponder.
We still do not truly know why we get sick. How far do we go to flesh out the root cause of dis-ease? Some questions to explore.