Quantum Resonance Technology is future medicine now. Check out how it can enhance all areas of life. Coupon code for sale inside.
Sometimes you need to try a few to find the right fit. Find out why I changed from a DivaCUp to the Saalt Soft menstrual cup.
What is Prosperity? Richard Rudd of Gene Keys delves into what prosperity truly is and how to unlock it in the Pearl Sequence.
We are living in times of great change. Finding our inner peace helps us to stay centred and navigate these times as who we are.
According to Human Design, we benefit from being in our correct environment. What is this, how do we find it and why is it important?
The anaretic degree is the last angle of a zodiac sign. It is also called a critical or karmic degree. Do you have it?
We are at the precipice, a pivotal time. What kind of leadership is our consciousness calling in? Let’s take a lot at current transits.
Less is more isn’t only a design concept. Astrologer, Tarot Reader, and Human Design life student Kevin McCarthy discusses a path to ourselves, how to live as who we are.
Reality is subjective and we all have our choices to make. Do you have the tools and mindset to navigate these times?
We are in times of accelerated change and many of our own beliefs are being challenged. Perhaps The Four Agreements can be a guide for us.
The creative process is a mutative one and here is a Gene Keys perspective that may bring some additional insight to unleash yours.