Join Beth on a 30 day journey to Enlightenment in August.
Being connected to the earth’s natural frequencies is one essential element of health. Find out why PEMF is the 5th element and how we can incorporate this into being healthy and well.
Magic of Words + Water. Bottom line – don’t talk smack.
Read Wolfgang’s inspirational story and find out what his recovery from cancer led him to.
Setting intentions for the new year?
Welcome 2015 with open arms.
Find out how resilience is about more than bouncing back.
Looking for a toxin-free natural way to keep your home clean and vibrationally high? This book has an index and recipe guide for common essential oils, including what to use to activate your pineal gland.
Practical takeaways from a right-brained consciousness
A tribute to Robin Williams
Following lunar rhythms is nothing new; in fact, it is an old practice. In this fantastic book MoonTime by Johanna Paungger + Thomas Poppe, you can find out all sorts of information such as the best time to cut your hair, detox, have that elective surgery, and more.