Looking for #conscious and #empowering gift ideas? The best gift is not the fish.
Find out what these archetypes are and why working with them can create real change in your wellbeing and the trajectory of your life.
Dubbed the super supermoon, the November 14 full moon is in the sign of Taurus. Find out what that means and how to enhance your well-being with this knowledge.
What does this sequence mean? Find out why November 11 is a powerful day.
Same Soul, Many Bodies comes from Brian Weiss, author of books such as Many lives, Many Masters and Messages from the Masters. What are the implications of reincarnation?
What is conscious coupling when we look at how we seek love and approval? Looking at Byron Katie’s book I Need Your Love – Is That True?
Amos Chia, the founder of Sentire, has the heart-wish to bring music to the deaf and the blind in Singapore.
2016 is a universal 9 year, a year of endings. This is the universal theme for this year. What does that mean and how do we let go?
If you find Mercury Retrograde a difficult time, this is for you. Mercury Retrograde is in the sign of Virgo in a 9 month. Find out out what this means.
Why do we fear endings? How is that connected to our sense of self-worth and what can we learn from our Victim Archetype?
Music is good for our health. Find out how and listen to this playlist to energize your body physically. Try it out as part of your morning routine.