Do you have people around you who are judgmental, narcissistic, passive-aggressive or otherwise making you feel undeserving and unlovable? This article is for you, and all of us.
Every Spring, we declutter. How long this state of calm and order last? Here’s a way to declutter and tidy for real.
Your natal astro chart is full of information and working with the elements is one way. Find out if you belong to this group, the Adepts and what this means for your self-discovery, self-mastery journey.
Let’s talk Saturn medicine.
Understanding the dynamics of this hypnosis can lead to real sustainable change in the world.
Abundance comes in many wondrous forms. Whether it is financial abundance or having good friends, attracting abundance is the same. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Dogs are “Man’s Best Friend” where we go, they go. If you are preparing to relocate to Singapore, here are some things to consider.
Moving along the zodiac, we come to the 11th sign, the sign of friendship, humanitarianism, and innovation. Find out more about this sign and the energies you can tap into.
January 23 is the US National Compliments Day. Are you good at giving them? What about receiving them?
2018 starts with a bang, with a full moon and it is a Blue Moon Month. We look at the messages for 2018 with numerology and tarot.