Contemplating space, home, and happiness
We take a look at The Kinfolk Home to get some tips on slow living.
We spend as much as 90% of our time indoors. It makes sense to improve the quality of our indoor environment as a health strategy. Here are some tips.
Find out how Eckhart Tolle’s one skill and most important achievement and Jean Gebser’s consciousness theory can help us deal with life’s challenges with fresh eyes.
We all have the right to be mad but do we all have the right reasons?
The Forgetting Machine by Rodrigo Quian Quiroga is an accessible and fascinating resource to better understand how we see and how we record events and store as long term memories.
We all experience our Chiron return between 49 and 51. This is a time of destiny. Find out what Chiron in Aries means for you.
The New Moon in Aries marks the start of a new astrological year, a new lunar cycle. Find out what the energies are for this New Moon, and the coming days as the astro weather shifts.
Do you have people around you who are judgmental, narcissistic, passive-aggressive or otherwise making you feel undeserving and unlovable? This article is for you, and all of us.
Every Spring, we declutter. How long this state of calm and order last? Here’s a way to declutter and tidy for real.