Mark Stavish’s book Egregores delves into a topic many avoid; yet it has relevant wisdom for us to consider in our everyday life and on our spiritual path.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects many people. Is the reduction in sunlight the reason? Here is another perspective to consider.
Each season has its own magic and message. Find out what the Autumn brings us in all its golden glory and shedding leaves.
When you look at your life and culture, is there room for pleasure and leisure? Are these your mindset? These are not indulgences or luxuries. Really.
Ahimsā is a yogic precept that we can all embody and put into action in our lives, whether we are yogis or not, whether we practice on the mat or not.
Speaking from the heart is living in courage and truth. How do we know if we are giving voice to the heart? Here are some suggestions.
For NDE researcher and writer PMH Atwater 1982 opened the flood gates. Find out how she sees the different generations of these new children and her tips.
Most people know Dr Emoto because of the beautiful crystals. He has also researched energy medicine in different ways. Find out how we can apply this in our daily life to enjoy greater wellbeing.
July 25 is Day Out Of Time and Global Water Appreciation Day. Like Earth Day, it matters. Here’s why it matters to everyone.
The astro weather is super interesting as we move into the last days of one cycle, with the planetary new year on July 26 and the Lions Gate.
If Mercury Retrograde is all flight delays, computer crashes, and lost phones, you’ve only got part o the story. It’s time we birth a new consciousness.