What does it mean when you find feathers in your path or an unexpected place?
We ask this question. It is both a simple and complex questions. Find out why.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is energy medicine. Umbilicus and Diaphragm Function Energy organ flows are a fantastic way to connect to Universal Source Energy and to harmonize the body emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
According to James Mangan who came up with 100 switch-words, there are four basic types of fear, all of which are a stumbling block to “self-togetherness”, fulfillment of our potential, and the being of joy. Find out the switch-words he suggested for the different permutations of each category of fear.
“Shake it out” really does work to release tension, stress, and even trauma, that is when it is the body’s automatic response. In an impromptu session with Sae Kani, I experienced the powerful rebalancing of TRE.
Know Thyself is a powerful. We look within, and we can look backward, to reconnect or deepen our connection with our ancestors and where we have come from. The Ancestral Continuum looks at why this is crucial and an overlooked approach to the healing of individuals, families, and communities.
Fertility challenges can stem from a variety of factors, not all physical. Find out how looking into the past can open up the future.
The liver and anger are intricately linked. Find out how from the Five-Element Theory how and what to do for liver health and emotional harmony.
This is Cyndi Dale’s definitive source of energy medicine and chakratology. We take a look at this massive reference book to understand more about the heart chakra.
Michael Neill writes about the way home by going inward and synchronizing with the universal mind.