Jin Shin Jyutsu is natural healing modality said to have been known before the time of Buddha. It is non-invasive, effective, and includes a Self Help component that truly places healing in everyone’s hands.
What Therapy
What is Ayurveda and its origins? Some insights by former professor of the College of Indian Medicine in Madras India.
Find out how Aromatherapy can help boost your well-being.
Homeopathy is a safe and effective approach to a variety of health conditions. Find out what homeopathy is.
What is Quantum Touch and energy healing?
New to yoga or want to try different styles? Find out what makes Ashtanga different and if it is your style.
Sleep is often overlooked as the missing link to good health and energy levels. Find out how sleep helps your wellbeing and some tips on getting restful sleep.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective as a preventative medicine for young children. Find out the different ways TCM can help.
Find out why BodyTalk is known to be a whole system for healing.
Shiatsu is a Japanese term meaning “finger pressure”. Find out how is Shiatsu applied and what conditions it can help.
Else Vistisen talks about what Bowen Technique is and how it can help a variety of health conditions, including the rebalancing of the autonomic nervous system, TMJ, ear ache, Fibromyalgia, and digestive challenges.