We are at the precipice, a pivotal time. What kind of leadership is our consciousness calling in? Let’s take a lot at current transits.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
1/3 is one of 12 Human Design Profiles. This article shares an experiential example of the theory of of a 1/3 living life.
Reality is subjective and we all have our choices to make. Do you have the tools and mindset to navigate these times?
Dry Brushing is an age-old self care practice that boosts our general well-being. Feeling sluggish? Try dry brushing.
We are in times of accelerated change and many of our own beliefs are being challenged. Perhaps The Four Agreements can be a guide for us.
Cistus Tea isn’t the new herb on the block. It’s known for many benefits and it’s in the news now for its anti-viral and v-shedding benefits.
Would you like to breath easier, be more inspired, and be connected to your body? Here are 6 ways to support your respiratory system.
The creative process is a mutative one and here is a Gene Keys perspective that may bring some additional insight to unleash yours.
May 26 2021 is a Total Super Moon Lunar Eclipse and astrologers have a lot to share…is there more to this date?
How does the heart centre relate to people pleasing habits? Find out what Not-Self theme stems from the heart centre.
What is the line between a freak and a genius? This week we have the Channel of Structuring activated and this means potential mutation for us. Will we receive it as freakish or a genius idea?