Getting a good water filter is one step to having energized and bioavaialble water. The question is – is a physical filter enough? If not, what then?
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
We love stories and we are wired to connect. Storytelling is one such way to connect. So how can storytelling cause us harm? We look at this question through the Polyvagal Theory.
Valentine’s Day is about love but what is love? Love is love yeah? In this article, we explore the energies of February 14 2019 and the matrix of love.
With Netflix’s Tidying Up series, we are hugging our stuff, seeing if sparks of joy fly … what does “spark joy” even mean?
We all want clarity in life. Sometimes it’s our attachments or projections that distance us from being clear. Here’s what to do – get uncrossed.
Activitst and spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson has thrown her hat in the running of Democratic nominations. What does #marianne2020 for all of us? Well, to begin with it matters even if we are not American. It matters even when we are not or do not identity as female. It matters. See why.
Are you feeling ungrounded? Our of sorts? What’s going on? Find out and here are some ideas to help you find your alignment.
Feeling Great with the Moon is Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner Irene Lauretti’s guide to acitivating our cosmic energies. She combines astrology and Jin Shin Jyutsu in a fun way to open the cosmic gates of each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Why do we want to shift our weight? Find out why weight = wait and try this 30-day practice to release your psychic weight and feel lighter.
Are your fears stopping you from living your best life? Here we look at the flower essences for fear and how they help us release whatever fears we have.