We still do not truly know why we get sick. How far do we go to flesh out the root cause of dis-ease? Some questions to explore.
Alexandra Shih-Pajares
We are travelling through the Lions Gate portal! What does that mean? In 2020? How do we open up and anchor these powerful energies and light codes?
August holds the vibration of eight. What does the start of August bring us? What are some powerful centering practices for the month?
Leo season begins July 22. Do you have one of the Big 3 (Sun, Moon, and Ascendant) in Leo? Leo has a messsge for all of us. Tune in and let us roar.
Do you have a defined, open or undefined solar plexus? What does this mean? Delving into this aspect of Human Design has shed light on my relationships.
We are unique individuals and we are made for our role and contribution. Our designs support our life experiences when we live aligned. Here’s how.
With the New Moon in Gemini, we’ve entered the wormhole tunnel into eclipse season. Here are some suggestions to journey to the other side.
The words “ceviche as a metaphor” came to me and so I let it marinate and to allow the message to bubble through the sauce. It’s about awakening.
North Node is where our potential lies. These times we are in provides a fantastic opportunity and invitation for us to delve into what we are here to do.
On May 5 the Lunar or Karmic Nodes will change signs and we will enter a portal – or even a moment of truth – here’s some homework to do first.
The Lunar Nodes are changing signs May 5 2020 and we are moving into new collective lessons for the next couple of years.