In Human Design, we celebrate the new year, a new cycle, and what we call the Rave New Year when the Sun transits Gate 41. Find out why Gate 41.
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In Human Design, the New Year – the Rave New Year – begins not on January 1 and here are the last two stages leading up to it. This is second of the 2-part series on wrapping up the year.
The Rave New Year begins January 22, 2022. Learn about the energies leading up to the new cycle and how to wrap up for a fresh new start.
The Rave New Year is the start of a new human experience. Find out why it starts after January 1 and what the energies are.
As we approached end of the calendar year, here are some things to consider, before setting resolutions, and if you’re expecting in 2025.
As we draw close to the end of the calendar year, we naturally become introspective and reflect on the past year. Here are the four big questions to consider.
Here’s the thing-New Year’s resolutions aren’t my cup of tea. The reasons may not be what you think. This is part 1 of looking at them through Human Design.
For NDE researcher and writer PMH Atwater 1982 opened the flood gates. Find out how she sees the different generations of these new children and her tips.
The astro weather is super interesting as we move into the last days of one cycle, with the planetary new year on July 26 and the Lions Gate.
According to Numerology, 2019 is a “3” Universal Year. This is the energy of joy and creativity. Let’s see what this means and how we embody it.
The New Moon in Aries marks the start of a new astrological year, a new lunar cycle. Find out what the energies are for this New Moon, and the coming days as the astro weather shifts.